GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW: Binky Takes Charge by Ashley Spires

BINKY TAKES CHARGE by Ashley Spires Kids Can Press, 2012 ISBN: 9781554537686 Graphic Novel Grades 2-5 Digital copy provided by publisher through NetGalley. ABOUT THE BOOK Binky the space cat has been promoted to lieutenant. He's now in charge of training the next generation of space cadets. But then he meets the new space kitten -- who isn't a kitten at all! Is someone trying to pull the fur over his eyes? Binky and Captain Gracie need to figure out the new cadet before the next alien attack. REVIEW Binky, the Space Cat, has a new assignment. He is in charge of training a new recruit to the F.U.R.S.T. (Felines of the Universe Ready for Space Travel) organization. And he thinks he is prepared, until the new recruit shows up and he discovers that F.U.R.S.T has become P.U.R.S.T. (Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel) and the recruit is a dog! What's Binky to do? How can he train a DOG! He doesn't know but he gives it a try, but the dog is terri...