
Showing posts from January, 2013

GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW: Binky Takes Charge by Ashley Spires

BINKY TAKES CHARGE by Ashley Spires Kids Can Press, 2012 ISBN: 9781554537686 Graphic Novel Grades 2-5 Digital copy provided by publisher through NetGalley. ABOUT THE BOOK Binky the space cat has been promoted to lieutenant. He's now in charge of training the next generation of space cadets. But then he meets the new space kitten -- who isn't a kitten at all! Is someone trying to pull the fur over his eyes? Binky and Captain Gracie need to figure out the new cadet before the next alien attack. REVIEW Binky, the Space Cat, has a new assignment.  He is in charge of training a new recruit to the F.U.R.S.T. (Felines of the Universe Ready for Space Travel) organization.  And he thinks he is prepared, until the new recruit shows up and he discovers that F.U.R.S.T has become P.U.R.S.T. (Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel) and the recruit is a dog! What's Binky to do? How can he train a DOG!  He doesn't know but he gives it a try, but the dog is terri...

GRAPHIC NOVEL: Chickenhare by Chris Grine

CHICKENHARE by Chris Grine Graphix, 2013 ISBN: 9780545485081 Available:  2/1/2013 Middle Grade Fantasy (graphic novel) Grades 3-6 Digital copy provided by publisher through NetGalley. ABOUT THE BOOK What's a chickenhare? A cross between a chicken and a rabbit, of course. And that makes Chickenhare the rarest animal around! So when he and his turtle friend Abe are captured and sold to the evil taxidermist Klaus, they've got to find a way to escape before Klaus turns them into stuffed animals. With the help of two other strange creatures, Banjo and Meg, they might even get away. But with Klaus and his thugs hot on their trail, the adventure is only just beginning for this unlikely quartet of friends. REVIEW A fun graphic novel perfect for children who enjoy the Bone series by Jeff Smith.  Chickenhare and his friend Abe have been captured and are on their way to being sold to a man named Klaus who is obsessed with keeping his 'pet...

Chosen Release Day Blitz

Today is the release day of the third and final installment of the Daughters of the Sea trilogy, Chosen! Title: Chosen (Daughters of the Sea 3) Author: Kristen Day Publisher: Self Published Blurb: The essence of who we are lies not in what we have, but in what we are willing to give up. Because in the end, Time and Tide wait for no one. After sacrificing all that she had, the evil princess of the Underworld is still successful in her bid to tear Finn from Stasiaā€™s life. In the midst of her search to reclaim him, Stasia is summoned to the island nation of Cyprus to take part in an age-old ritual; unveiling the missing pieces of her ancestry and re-igniting an ancient war. As she struggles to both save Finnā€™s soul and free Carmenā€™s mind, Stasiaā€™s bravery and determination will be pushed to its breaking point. A dark storm is forming on the horizon, and the forces who are vying to destroy her may be much closer than she thinks. Destiny weaves a sticky web of evil, betr...


GRAND FINALE!! On tour with Prism Book Tours Our awesome Tour in images We announced the NEW COVER on the Tour Launch Original Cover                                   Our Shiny New Cover Barnes & Noble The Book Depository Amazon 1 ā€“  Kimberly Krey  ā€“ Cover Change! Blastinā€™ off the TOUR!!     Min Reads and Reviews ;  Books, Books, the Magical Fruit  ;  Oh the Books Youā€™ll Read  ;  Passion and Life  (English/Spanish);  Christyā€™s Cozy Corners  ;  Monique Morgan  ;  Pauletteā€™s Papers ;  A Backwards Story ;  icultgen  - (English/Portuguese)   1 ā€“  Kelly Fox  ā€“ Goodreads Review "The action scene in the end had me on my toes wondering what would happen next." 1 ā€“  I Am A Reader, Not A Writer  ā€“  Clean Romance  I 2 ā€“...

NONFICTION MONDAY: Ghosts in the Fog by Samantha Seiple

GHOSTS IN THE FOG: The Untold Story of Alaska's WWII Invasion by Samantha Seiple Scholastic Press, 2011 ISBN: 978-0-545-29654-0 Middle Grade/YA Nonfiction Grades 4 and up ABOUT THE BOOK Few know the story of the Japanese invasion of Alaska during World War II--until now. GHOSTS IN THE FOG is the first narrative nonfiction book for young adults to tell the riveting story of how the Japanese invaded and occupied the Aleutian Islands in Alaska during World War II. This fascinating little-known piece of American history is told from the point of view of the American civilians who were captured and taken prisoner, along with the American and Japanese soldiers who fought in one of the bloodiest battles of hand-to-hand combat during the war. Complete with more than 80 photographs throughout and first person accounts of this extraordinary event, GHOSTS IN THE FOG is sure to become a must-read for anyone interested in World War II and a perfect tie-in for the 70th annive...

BLOG TOUR and GIVEAWAY: The Night the Moon Ate My Room by Jesse Wilson

THE NIGHT THE MOON ATE MY ROOM by Jesse Wilson Tate Publishing, 2012 ISBN: 9781620241745 Primary/Middle Grade Fantasy E-book provided for blog tour. All opinions expressed are solely my own. ABOUT THE BOOK The moon was bright and full that night, bigger than I could ever even remember it. Maybe because it was moving towards me... After giving the worst violin recital of his life, and being laughed at by the entire school, the boy vows to never play music again. Later that night, when the moon swallows up his bedroom, it shares the secrets of being a true artist, helping the boy re-claim his self-confidence, overcome the pitfalls of perfectionism, and believe in his own dream. Each of the five stories in The Night the Moon Ate My Room! is designed for young readers to experience the joy of self-discovery, valuable life lessons, and the adventure of turning their greatest dreams into reality. Book Links:  Goodreads  |  Amazon  |  Bar...

Early Chapter Book Review: Milo & Jazz Mysteries #8 and #9 by Lewis B. Montgomery

THE CASE OF THE DIAMONDS IN THE DESK The Milo & Jazz Mysteries #8 by Lewis B. Montgomery, illustrated by Amy Wummer Kane Press, 2012 ISBN: 978-1-57565-391-4 Primary Mystery Grades 2-4 Book provided by publisher in return for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my own. ABOUT THE BOOK A jewelry store is robbed. A diamond necklace mysteriously shows up in Milos desk at school. The connection is crystal clear . . . isn't it? Detective duo Milo and Jazz tackle their eighth case in this exciting mystery! THE CASE OF THE CROOKED CAMPAIGN The Milo & Jazz Mysteries #9 by Lewis B. Montgomery, illustrated by Amy Wummer Kane Press, 2012 ISBN: 978-1-57565-436-2 Primary Mystery Grades 2-4 Book provided by publisher in return for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my own. ABOUT THE BOOK Campaign mania hits Westview when Jazz decides to run for school president. But is someone stealing all her best ideas? And how? Milo and Jaz...


Welcome to the 8th Kid Lit Blog Hop. We had a very high number of links in the last Hop - 85! And, I'm proud to say that I visited each and every one of those links and tweeted something from each participating blog or author. I am also pleased to announce that we have a new permanent hostess: Katie from Youth Literature Reviews (our co-hostess from last week). Big, big welcome Katie! We are always seeking some co-hostesses, so don't be shy ... we'd love to have you! To remind everyone, we are back to our normal schedule in February (the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month). Enjoy the Hop! <div align="center"><a href="" title="Kid Lit Blog Hop"><img src="" alt="Kid Lit Blog Hop" style="border:none;" /></a>...

Senshi Trailer Reveal

KATANA Kill Bill meets Buffy in this supernatural samurai taleRileigh Martin would love to believe that adrenaline gave her the uncanny courage and strength to fend off three muggers. But it doesn't explain her dreams of fifteenth century Japan, the incredible fighting skills she suddenly possesses, or the strange voice giving her battle tips and danger warnings. While worrying that she's going crazy (always a reputation ruiner), Rileigh gets a visit from Kim, a handsome martial arts instructor, who tells Rileigh she's harboring the spirit of a five-hundred-year-old samurai warrior. Relentlessly attacked by ninjas, Rileigh has no choice but to master the katana--a deadly Japanese sword that's also the key to her past. As the spirit grows stronger and her feelings for Kim intensify, Rileigh is torn between continuing as the girl she's always been and embracing the warrior inside her. "This action-packed novel has a unique and compelling plot...Fans of C...

TWO GREAT PICTURE BOOKS and a conversation between the authors!

DANGEROUSLY EVER AFTER by Dashka Slater, illustrated by Valeria Docampo Dial Books for Young Readers, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-8037-3374-9 Picture Book Grades K-5 ABOUT THE BOOK Not all princesses are made of sugar and spice--some are made of funnier, fiercer stuff. Princess Amanita laughs in the face of danger. Brakeless bicycles, pet scorpions, spiky plants--that's her thing. So when quiet Prince Florian gives her roses, Amanita is unimpressed . . . until she sees their glorious thorns! Now she must have rose seeds of her own. But when huge, honking noses grow instead, what is a princess with a taste for danger to do? For readers seeking a princess with pluck comes an independent heroine who tackles obstacles with a bouquet of sniffling noses. At once lovely and delightfully absurd, here's a story to show how elastic ideas of beauty and princesses can be. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dashka Slaterā€™s novel, The Wishing Box , was named one of the best books of the year by ...