MERRY WITCHMAS by Petrell Marie Ozbay and Tess La Bella illustrated by Sonya Abby Boyds Mill Press, 2021 Source: publisher for review Ages 4-8 All opinions expressed are solely my own. REVIEW Ginger, the witch, loves Halloween like her fellow witches, but she also loves Christmas. But to her disappointment she's never had a visit from Santa. In order for him to find her, he has to believe in witches or he can't see her village. In an effort to get him to visit, she writes a letter including a map. Santa is a bit startled when her letter arrives magically and he has to decide if he will believe in her or not. This reversal of the story of belief makes for a fun and colorful read. The illustrations contain many fun details mixing witches and Christmas decor. A monster wreath, skeleton gingerbread, and hot chocolate in a caldron all make for a smile-inducing read. This delightful twist on Christmas makes for a different sort of storytelling t...