NONFICTION MONDAY: A Place for Turtles by Melissa Stewart

written by Melissa Stewart, illustrated by Higgins Bond
Peachtree, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-56145-693-2
Picture Book Nonfiction
Grades K-5
Reviewed from copy received in publisher giveaway. Thanks!
All opinions expressed are solely my own.


In simple yet informative language, A Place for Turtles introduces young readers to the ways human action or inaction can affect turtle populations and opens kids minds to a wide range of environmental issues. Describing various examples, the text provides an intriguing look at turtles, at the ecosystems that support their survival, and at the efforts of some people to save them. At the end of the book, the author offers readers a list of things they can do to help protect these special creatures in their own communities.


Turtles are endangered throughout the world. There are many reasons for this, pollution, alien species of plants or animals, loss of habitat, fishing nets, and hunting.  Stewart does a great job of pointing out these dangers and how they are impacting specific species of turtles.  For example, the painted turtle is threatened by pet owners bring their dogs to their habitat and don't keep them on leashes.  I appreciated how the author also pointed out simple ways to overcome these problems.  Suggestions include: leaving the turtles in the wild, not participating in turtles races, turtle-proof fences, not hunting them, etc.

The thing I enjoyed the most about this book though are the incredibly beautiful illustrations.  Each turtle is painted in its natural habitat doing what they do.  Some of the illustrations show people helping the turtles, some show the dangers.  I appreciated the variety. The maps on the end papers show where each turtle's natural habitat is related to the United States.

A beautiful book that makes an important point about how humans impact the world around us for both good and ill. Highly recommended.



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