Mix N' Match Monday: Bangladesh

With my geography background, I find books about other countries fascinating. Not having traveled to many of the places I read about, however, I sometimes have a hard time always knowing how accurate the portrayals of people and cultures are. So when I find a book by an author who has lived in and experienced the culture he or she is writing about especially refreshing. Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins, illustrated by Jamie Hogan Charlesbridge, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-58089-308-4 Grades 2-5 Reviewed from personal copy The blurb from the book says: Naima loves to create the traditional alpana patterns Bangladeshi women and girls paint in their homes for special celebrations. Her designs are always the best in her village. But Naima wishes she could help earn money for her family. Her friend Saleem can drive his father's rickshaw. "If only I had been born a boy, she thinks." Mitali Perkins brings Naima quickly to life by showing us her love for alpan...