
Showing posts from September, 2023

WILD & WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY: The Book of Turtles by Sy Montgomery & Matt Patterson

  THE BOOK OF TURTLES written by Sy Montgomery, illustrated by Matt Patterson Clarion Books, 2023 ISBN: 978-0-35-845807-4 Ages 8-12 Picture book nonfiction All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & book summary provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK From National Book Award finalist and New York Times bestseller Sy Montgomery comes an ode to one of the most diverse, fascinating, and beloved species on the planet: turtles. With dazzling illustrations and emotionally engaging, fact-filled text, this picture book will speak to the wisdom these long-lived animals can lend. Everyone loves turtles. And no wonder: long-lived, unhurried, and ancient, these shelled reptiles are fascinating. Turtles are also endlessly surprising. There are turtles with soft shells, turtles with googly eyes, turtles with necks longer than their bodies, and turtles whose shells glow in the dark! And each turtle, of each of the more than 300 kinds, is an individual. You...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: The Together Tree by Aisha Saeed, illustrated by LeUyen Pham

THE TOGETHER TREE by Aisha Saeed, illustrated by LeUyen Pham Salaam Reads, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-5344-6296-0 Source: publisher for review (Thanks!) Ages 4-8 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & summary provided by publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK All Are Welcome meets Be Kind in this poignant and accessible picture book about the power every bystanderā€”no matter how smallā€”has to extend kindness and stand up in the face of intolerance. At his new school, quiet Rumi feels small and unwelcome, and a few kids bully him for being different and wearing bright shoes. He finds refuge beneath the old willow tree by the playground and builds his own world of hope and dreams of belonging. One day, when Rumi is made a target again, one of his classmates bravely steps in to defend him. Itā€™s in that moment of solidarity Rumiā€™s class finally realizes that under the shade of the willow tree, all are welcome, and they create a space they can all play inā€”together. REVIEW T...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: Memo and the Unexpected Gift by Fonda Ozlem Seran and Ezgi Keles

MEMO AND THE UNEXPECTED GIFT by Funda Ozlem Sedan and Ezgi Keles illustrated by Ezgi Keles Amazon Crossing Kids, 2023 ISBN: 978-1662512926 Source: Blue Slip Media Ages 4-8 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & illustrations provided by Blue Slip Media.  Book summary provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK Thereā€™s something unusual about the kitten Memo finds in his yard. Memo lives in a small cottage with his grandmother. But his grandma canā€™t see very well anymore, and she falls asleep all the time. Memo starts to feel a bit lonelyā€¦until the night he discovers a stray kitten. The boy and cat become fast friends. But as the cat grows and grows (and grows), Memo realizes that this kitten may not be a cat at all. And it most definitely doesnā€™t belong in a cottage! Memo needs to make a plan so that his friend can get home safely. What will become of his big, furry friend? REVIEW--SPOILERS AHEAD Memo and the Unexpected Gift  tells the s...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: The Light Within You by Namita Moolani Mehra, illustrated by Kamala Nair

THE LIGHT WITHIN YOU written by Namita Moolani Mehra, illustrated by Kamala Nair Two Lions, 2023 ISBN: 978-1542039123 Source: Blue Slip Media/publisher Ages 4-8 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & other materials provided by Blue Slip Media & the publisher. ABOUT THE BOOK A celebration of family love and the light we share with the world. Diya is excited to be going to India for Diwali, the Festival of Lights. That means sheā€™ll get to spend time with Nani, her beloved grandma, who she hasnā€™t seen since her family moved from India. Now India is 7,850 miles awayā€¦ Once Diya arrives in India, she immediately feels at home with Nani. Together they go shopping at the bazaar and prepare for the festival. As Diya and Nani celebrate Diwali together, Diyaā€™s heart soars. But all too soon, her trip will come to an end. Is there a way for Diya to take some of the light and magic of Diwali with her when she leaves? ABOUT THE AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR Namita Moolani Mehra i...

AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR GUEST POST: KIN: Rooted in Hope by Carole Boston Weatherford, art by Jeffery Boston Weatherford

KIN: ROOTED IN HOPE written by Carole Boston Weatherford, illustrated by Jeffery Boston Weatherford Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-6659-1362-1 Source: publisher for review Ages 12 and up Middle grade memoir All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover, illustrations, & audio provided by the author. ABOUT THE BOOK A powerful portrait of a Black family tree shaped by enslavement and freedom, rendered in searing poems by acclaimed author Carole Boston Weatherford and stunning art by her son Jeffery Boston Weatherford. I call their names: Abram Alice Amey Arianna Antiqua I call their names: Isaac Jake James Jenny Jim Every last one, property of the Lloyds, the stateā€™s preeminent enslavers. Every last one, with a mind of their own and a story that ainā€™t yet been told. Till now. Carole and Jeffery Boston Weatherfordā€™s ancestors are among the founders of Maryland. Their family history there extends more than three hundred years, but as with the genealogical sea...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW & AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Elves are the Worst! by Alex Willan

ELVES ARE THE WORST! by Alex Willan Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-6659-2179-4 Ages 4-8 Picture book humor/holiday All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & author interview provided by publisher. ABOUT THE AUTHOR If it was ALEX WILLAN, and not Gilbert the Goblin, who was in charge of writing the stories, heā€™d make a book called Anchovies are the Worst!. Alex is the author-illustrator of Unicorns are the Worst!, Dragons are the Worst!, Yetis are the Worst!, and the Jasper & Ollie series, as well as the illustrator of Got Your Nose, written by Alan Katz. Alex lives in Chicago with his dog, Harley, who is the absolute best. Visit him online at . REVIEW In this fourth book in the ...Are the Worst series by Alex Willan, Gilbert is once again complaining about another creature. This time it's 'hardworking and so perfect' elves. Gilbert sets out to prove that he works just as hard and just as perfectly as elves d...

FANTASTIC FRIDAY: The Cursed Moon by Angela Cervantes

THE CURSED MOON by Angela Cervantes Scholastic Press, 2023 ISBN:   9781338814019 Source: publisher through NetGalley Ages 9-12 Middle grade horror All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover provided by publisher through REVIEW Rafael Fuentes discovers he will be attending summer school just as he's getting ready for his mother to be released from jail.  He dreads both things. But he loves writing and telling scary stories. Even after he's warned by a neighbor to avoid telling scary stories during the blood moon, Rafa can't resist telling one after an argument with his grandparents about his mother, whom he refuses to forgive for the neglect he and his sister experienced. But it quickly becomes clear that the warning Rafa received was all too real and now elements of the stories he told are coming to life threatening his sister and his friends. Rafa teams up with his school nemesis who is also being haunted to try to figure out what's going on an...

CHAPTER BOOK REVIEW: Aven Green, Soccer Machine by Dusty Bowling

AVEN GREEN, SOCCER MACHINE written by Dustin Bowling, illustrated by Gina Perry Union Square Kids, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4549-4223-8 Source: Publisher for review (Thanks!) Ages 7-10 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover provided by publisher through REVIEW Aven loves to play soccer. Having no arms doesn't slow her down at all. In this fourth volume of the younger Aven series (she shows up as an 8th & 9th grader in Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus & Momentous Events in the Life of a Cactus ), Aven works to become team captain. With her father as the team coach, Aven figures she's got it made. But her unwillingness to share her ball skills and her tendency to boss around her teammates leaves her out when her father chooses her friend Kayla to be team captain. Her disappointment leads her to quit the team until she realizes just what it means to part of a team. Aven's enthusiasm makes her easy to root for in each of her adventures ...

MG/YA NONFICTION REVIEW: Men of the 65th by Talia Aikens-Nunez

  MEN OF THE 65TH: The Borinqueneers of the Korean War by Talia Aikens-Nunez Zest Books, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-7284-4962-3 Source: author for review Ages 12 and up All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book summary & cover provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK Since the regimentā€™s creation in 1899, the men of the 65th have proudly served the US through multiple wars, despite facing racial discrimination. Their courage, loyalty, and patriotism earned them hundreds of accolades, including the Congressional Gold Medal in 2014. But the honor and fidelity of the men of the 65th came into question in 1952, in the midst of the Korean War, when ninety-one Borinqueneers were arrested and tried for desertion and disobeying orders. How could this happen in one of the most distinguished and decorated units of the Army? In this telling of one of the forgotten stories of the Korean War, author Talia Aikens-NuƱez guides us through the history of the Borinqueneers and ...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: Ruby and Lonely by Patrice Karst, illustrated by Kayla Harren

  RUBY AND LONELY written by Patrice Karst, illustrated by Kayla Harren Two Lions, 2023 ISBN: 978-1662508042 Source: Publisher through Blue Slip Media Ages 4-8 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & illustrations, author/illustrator bios provided by Blue Slip Media. ABOUT THE AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR Patrice Karst is the bestselling author of The Invisible String, which has sold more than a million copies and been translated into fifteen languages, and its companion titles, The Invisible Leash, The Invisible Web, You Are Never Alone: An Invisible String Lullaby, and most recently, The Invisible String Backpack. She is also the coauthor of The Invisible String Workbook with Dr. Dana Wyss. She also wrote The Smile that Went Around the World. Patrice is passionate about spreading her message of love across the planet. Born in London, England, she now lives in Southern California. Learn more at . Instagram: @theinvisiblestringinsta Facebook: @TheInvi...

#MMGM: Dear Brother by Alison McGhee, illustrated by Tuan Nini

DEAR BROTHER written by Alison McGhee, illustrated by Tuan Nini Atheneum/A Caitlyn Dlouhy Book, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-5344-8708-6 Source: publisher for review (Thanks!) Ages 7-10 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover provided by publisher through REVIEW Sister wants a dog more than anything else. But as with everything else in her life, her brother gets what he wants (a bearded dragon) since dogs aren't allowed in their apartment building. Sister writes letters to her brother about her feelings regarding being 'overlooked' and told to wait until she's older to get what she wants. She shares all kinds of examples of being "America's Most Overlooked Sibling". Her brother gets the best room in the apartment, chooses where to go on vacation, and now, gets to choose the family pet. On top of that he gets to go to music camp even though sister loves music too. Using letter segments, mostly addressed to brother, and numerous drawings, ...