
Showing posts from February, 2025

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love by Joseph Coelho and 21 Artist Friends

TEN-WORD TINY TALES OF LOVE written by Joseph Coelho, illustrated by 21 Artist Friends Candlewick Press, 2025 ISBN: 978-1-5362-4129-7 Source: publisher for review (Thanks!) Ages 8-12 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & summary provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK From former UK Children's Laureate Joseph Coelho comes an extraordinary collection of tales—each one illustrated by a different artist, and each just ten words long. Is it possible to tell a tale of love using just ten words? The answer is an enthusiastic yes. And when those words are joined by illustrations from twenty top creators, the results can be stunning. In this unique compendium designed to spark the imagination, Joseph Coelho brings us cherished moments between siblings, worlds where nature blooms and heals, touching tales of beloved pets, and more. Each ten-word tale has been paired with one of the finest illustrators working today, among them Jon Klassen, Jarvis...

WILD & WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY: Almost Underwear by Jonathan Roth

  ALMOST UNDERWEAR:     How a Piece of Cloth Traveled from Kitty Hawk to the Moon and Mars written & illustrated by Jonathan Roth Christy Ottaviano Books, 2024 ISBN: 978-0-316-52554-1 Source: purchased Ages 6-10 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & summary provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK One day in 1903 the Wright brothers entered a department store in Ohio to buy a bolt of fabric. The plain muslin cloth was most often used to make underwear. As it happens, the Wright brothers were about to wrap the simple cloth around the ribs of a mechanical ‘wing’ and dramatically change the world. Sixty-six years later, in 1969, Neil Armstrong took a big leap onto the moon. With him was a swatch of the exact fabric the bicycle mechanics had purchased in 1903. Fifty-two years after that, in 2021, a remote-controlled car-sized explorer landed on Mars. Attached to the underside of a cable was a tiny piece of very old cloth—cloth t...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: George Washington's Spectacular Spectacles by Selene Castrovilla

  GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SPECTACULAR SPECTACLES: The Glasses That Saved America written by Selene Castrovilla, illustrated by Jenn Harney Calkins Creek, 2025 ISBN: 978-1-6626-8043-4 Source: purchased Ages 6-10 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover & summary provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK Did you know that George Washington had a secret? He wore glasses! While initially embarrassed by his reliance on this reading aid, Washington’s spectacles proved themselves to be nothing short of spectacular in this charming, funny–and little-known–story from American history. The Revolutionary War was over, but Washington’s officers had not received their wages from the Continental Congress in years. Afraid they would never get their money, the officers planned to storm Congress and demand it right away. Luckily, George Washington found out about the plot just in time. He delivered a passionate speech to his men, but they were unaffected. It was on...

PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: Wash Day with Mama by Monica Mikai

  WASH DAY WITH MAMA written & illustrated by Monica Mikai Crown Books for Young Readers, 2025 ISBN: 978-0-593-81064-4 Source: publisher through Blue Slip Media for review Ages 4-8 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover and summary provided by the publisher through ABOUT THE BOOK This stunning picture book takes a joyful look into the loving and long process of a hair wash day and the beautiful bond between a daughter and mother. Perfect for Mother’s Day or all year round! I love Sundays, because Sundays are wash days. And wash days are just for us. Filled with heartwarming illustrations, Wash Day with Mama centers on a little girl cherishing each step of their hair washing routine while Mama imparts her wisdom and stresses the importance of self-care, loving yourself, and being proud of who you are. The process of washing and taking care of Black hair takes time and effort, but this poignant story shows how it is an act of self-love and nurtures a ...

AUTHOR INTERVIEW & REVIEW: London Calling (City Spies #6) by James Ponti

  LONDON CALLING City Spies #6 by James Ponti Aladdin, 2025 ISBN: 978-1-6659-3250-9 Source: publisher for review Ages 9-12 All opinions expressed are solely my own. Book cover, book summary, author photo, and interview provided by the publisher. ABOUT THE BOOK In this sixth installment in the New York Times bestselling series from Edgar Award winner James Ponti, the young group of spies stage a rescue in Rome in another international adventure perfect for fans of Spy School and Charlie Thorne. Cairo, the newest member of the City Spies, takes the lead when his sister disappears in Istanbul. Determined to save the family of one of their own, the team risks discovery as their search leads them to Rome. Meanwhile, there’s been intel that seems to threaten the royal wedding about to take place in Westminster, bringing the team back to the UK on an official case for MI6. With so much security all over the city, it’s harder than ever for the City Spies to go unnoticed. Will their skills ...