Nonfiction Monday: Schools around the World

This week I am introducing my students to the theme I have chosen for the year, One World, Many Stories. I am excited about this because I will be able to combine two of my passions, geography and reading. A lot of the nonfiction books and fiction books that I will highlighting in the coming year will have a strong geography element. That does not mean of course that I will stop reading other kinds of books, my interests vary too widely for me to do that. It just means there will be a lot of books with settings other than the United States. Today I am highlighting four books about students and schools in countries around the world. Rain School written and illustrated by James Rumford Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2010 ISBN: 978-0-547-24307-8 Grades K-3 Reviewed from purchased copy. BLURB: It is the first day of school in Chad, Africa. Children are filling the road. "Will they give us a notebook?" Thomas asks. "Will they give us a p...