MMGM: The Wizard's Dog by Eric Kahn Gale


Meet Nosewise. He’s spunky. He’s curious. And he’s a dog who can’t understand why his pack mates Merlin and Morgana spend all day practicing magic tricks. If it’s a trick they want, he’s the dog to ask! He can already Sit!, Stay!, and Roll Over!

But there’s no way Nosewise is Stay!ing when his master and best friend, Merlin, is kidnapped. There’s nothing Nosewise won’t do to get Merlin back, even if it means facing the strange Fae people and their magic-eating worms, or tangling with the mysterious Sword in the Stone. But it may take more than sniffing out a spell to do it!

Nosewise’s hilarious escapades and steadfast loyalty get him and his companions through King Arthur’s Dark Ages.


I was intrigued when I first read the synopsis of this book.  A dog doing magic?!  And I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  This is everything that a middle grade fantasy book should be.  There is humor and heart, there is action and surprises, and plenty of magic to move the book along.  Nosewise, the dog, makes for a great narrator, as he looks at things as a dog who is often baffled by strange human (and Fae) behavior.  But he knows all he needs to know: his master Merlin is a good master and he would do anything to save him.  But Nosewise also is very curious about magic and learning magic 'tricks', but his master won't let him.  But when Merlin and Morgana, his master's apprentice are taken away by a soldier and a man with strange magic sucking powers, Nosewise is determined to find and rescue them.  This determination sends him off on an adventure unlike any he could have imagined, where the very depths of his devotion will be tested.  This is a book that I had a hard time putting down and finished in one day.  I loved the humor and devotion that Nosewise exhibited as well as the very humanness of Arthur, Merlin, and Morgana.  There were times I felt angry, and times I couldn't help grinning.  And I have to say they ending did surprise me a bit, which is quite an accomplishment for a story that revolves around such a well-known legend as the Sword in the Stone.  But the twists and turns keep the story moving briskly making for a great read for young animal and fantasy lovers.



  1. Awww, this sounds so adorable!! I'll have to see if my daughter would like to read it, I think she will. Thanks :D


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