BLOG TOUR: The Summer Called Angel by Sola Olu

A story of hope on the journey through prematurity
written by Sola Olu
Createspace, 2012
Print copy provided by author for blog tour in return for honest review.
All opinions expressed are solely my own.


Sola Olu was expecting: expecting to receive a graduate degree from DePaul University and expecting her first child. Instead she went for a routine doctor's visit and found herself delivering her daughter Angel at a perilously premature time. Sola and her husband Chris were thrust into an unimaginable odyssey spanning seven months, several surgeries, and a painful separation with their newborn. The Summer Called Angel provides intimate, hands-on details of the medical complexity as well as the emotional toll taken on parents who must witness their tiny baby struggle for life. The Summer Called Angel also touches on Sola's second premature birth. This memoir serves as a powerful tribute to maternal love in the face of unexpected challenges. It is certain to offer strength to readers experiencing prematurity and offer a celebration of devotion that will resonate with parents everywhere.


Sola Olu was born and raised in Nigeria. As a child, she loved making up stories and as soon as she could write she started putting them down on paper. She holds degrees in English and Information Systems, Sola works in the retail industry and volunteers as a counselor to mothers of premature babies. Her writings include essays, poetry and children's stories. She loves to cook, travel and attend the theater. She lives in Illinois with her husband and two children.


Sola Olu’s website

The Summer Called Angel Facebook Page


What a heart-wrenching story! Giving birth to her daughter three months early was not on Sola's agenda. Neither was the roller coaster ride as she and her husband along with the doctors and nurses struggled to help Angel survive.  The ups and downs would be enough to thoroughly exhaust and wrench the heart of any parent.  I found the book both touching and inspiring as Sola honestly portrays her struggles with the challenges of prematurity. The author includes notes from the doctors and nurses as well as her own thoughts and feelings.  There is quite a bit of physical description of Angel's condition and the surgeries and care that her physical condition required.  This helped me get a better overall picture of the challenges that come with prematurity.  Sola's account truly touched my heart and helped me feel more empathy for all those who struggle with the same or similar concerns. For those who have experienced similar things this is a story of hope. For those who simply want to better understand, this is an honest and open account of the importance of family and the support those going through such things really need. I can easily recommend this book as a thoughtful and emotionally powerful read. Note: the editing does leave something to be desired, I mean periods outside quotation marks? Hopefully these problems will be fixed in future editions.



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