BLOG TOUR and GIVEAWAY: Moon Rise by Marilee Brothers

Reviewed from purchased copy for blog tour.
All opinions expressed are solely my own.


Her mom is still dating losers. Her boyfriend’s gone back to Mexico. Dad still hasn’t told his wife and kids that she exists. At school, the drama queens and bullies still rule. But worst of all for Allie Emerson (aka the Star Seeker of an old Gypsy prophecy) is that her powers have taken a hike. She can’t read minds anymore. She can’t move stuff just by looking at it. The other Star Seekers are counting on her psychic gifts more than ever, and the evil Trimarks are closing in, eager to snatch her magic moonstone necklace while she’s helpless. The hot new guy at school is ready and willing to fight her battles, but he comes with some wicked baggage.

Dear diary: I’m a little worried. My new BF is a demon.

Welcome again to Allie Emerson’s funny, scary, amazing, and always unpredictable life, as the girl voted least likely to save the world from evil.


A former teacher, coach and school counselor, Marilee lives in Washington State and writes full time. Her books include Castle Ladyslipper, a medieval romance, The Rock and Roll Queen of Bedlam, winner of the 2010 Booksellers Best award for romantic suspense, Moonstone, Moon Rise, Moon Spun, Shadow Moon, and Midnight Moon. Marilee is a member of the Romance Writers of America, Pacific Northwest Writers Association and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. 


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Magic, half-demons, teenage love, and people who aren't what they seem to be, all on top of the regular problems of life, like high school and friends.  Glad I'm not Allie. But I did find Allie quite likeable and her funny friend, Mercedes.  There were plenty of other interesting characters as well, Beck, the hot half-demon, who is helping Allie get her powers back, but is it more than that? Beck's twin sister who seems to hate Allie's guts.  Boy, did this book take me back to high school, the boy talk, the girl snottiness, the bullying. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.  Parts of this did make me uncomfortable, mostly the swearing/profanity along with the body/sexual references, but I figure this won't bother everyone the way it did me.  The story is certainly an interesting one.  I definitely want to read the rest of the series and find out what happens to Allie and her friends.

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