On tour with Prism Book Tours

Our awesome Tour in images
We announced the NEW COVER on the Tour Launch
Original Cover                                   Our Shiny New Cover

1 – Kimberly Krey – Cover Change!


1 – Kelly Fox – Goodreads Review
"The action scene in the end had me on my toes wondering what would happen next."
1 – I Am A Reader, Not A Writer – Clean Romance I
2 – Monique Morgan - All You Need is Love I

3 – Getting Your Read On – Review - Clean Romance II

4 - Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

6 –  Passion and Life – Passionate Peaches Cobbler Recipe & Smokin' Hot Excerpt – English/Spanish

6 - Paulette’s Papers – All You Need is Love II

7 - Bookworm Lisa – Review - Clean Romance III
"This book caught my imagination from the beginning."
7 – Pages of Forbidden Love – Review

8 - Vanessa Morgan – All You Need is Love III

9 - Proud Book Nerd – Review

9 - Kari’s Crowded Bookshelf – Review/Interview
Watch for Fiona's Fight ~ coming soon ~.
10 - Geo Librarian – Review
"Whoa, baby. What a ride!"
10 - The Literary Forest - Exerpt

11 - InfectedLoser – Excerpt

13 - Welcome to Couch Potato Reader – Review

14 - Letters to the Cosmos – Review
"...the story took on a deeper tone..."
14 – One A Day YA – Drafts Guest Post

14 - Little Miss Bookworm – Review

15 -  Magical Manuscripts – Review/Top Ten things you would do if you could not write!

  1. Cry.  2. Muse story ideas in my head.  3. Cry some more.  4. Listen to characters converse inside my head.  5. Eat illegal amounts of chocolate.  6. Work through plots and scenes for the stories stuck within my head.  7. Throw up the chocolate.  8. Stubbornly search for a way to get the stories onto paper & out of my head.  9. More crying would take place here.  10. Slowly slip into a mind-numbing stupor.
Ultimate Grilled Cheese16 - Musings of a Reader Happy - Excerpt

17 – Proud Book Nerd – Ultimate Grilled Cheese

17 - Books, Books, the Magical Fruit – Interview

17 - Book Sake – Review
"...uber romantic."
18 - Kari’s Crowded Bookshelf – Aromatic Noodles Recipe

20 - A Life Bound by Books – Excerpt I

21 - Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Reviews – Excerpt II

21 - Oh, The Books You’ll Read – Review

22 - A Backwards Story – Excerpt III

22 - Passion and Life – Review – English/Spanish
"This is a perfect clean romance story, with some creepy moments when you will feel chills down over your spine!"
23 - Framed In Words – ART Exerpt

23 - Colorimetry – Random ART thoughts

24 – Unputdownable Books – The Raven-haired Ghost ART

24 - Living a Goddess Life – Crepe Cake Recipe

25 – icultgen – Review, The Raven-haired Ghost ART

25 – Pieces of Whimsy - Review

27 – The Reading Diaries – Review
"a perfect mix of romance and fantasy."
28 – Stressed Rach – Review

28 - Literally Jen – Review
"...modern day fairy tale where the damsel in distress is rescued by her one true love who just happens to have superhuman abilities."
29 – Min Reads and Reviews – Review

29 – Grand Finale, WINNERS drawn

Two original works of art of the Raven-haired Ghost

from Anna

From Naj

Kimberly Krey, the awesome author:


What is the 'story behind the story?'

When I first started brainstorming for Evie’s Knight, I pretty much knew who my characters were. I knew falling in love with Calvin was dangerous for Evie, but I just wasn't sure why. In writing fiction, authors often feel as if the situations they are writing about already exist (not in reality, but abstractly) and it's our job to uncover and write them.

That is definitely the case for me. As I come up with certain possibilities, it's almost as if I know whether the idea is right or wrong. I can feel it. I knew that Calvin had lost his mother at a young age. And from there, it was just a matter of finding out what that had to do with his family's dark curse. It's such a fun and exciting process!

What is your all time favorite book character and why?

Anne Shirley, hands down. (From Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery.) I love Anne's spirit and her spunk! She is a dreamer and a lover, but she knows how to fight - and I love that too! She makes the best of each situation, and she brings out the best in those around her too. I absolutely adore Miss Anne (that’s Anne with an ‘e’) Shirley. (Great question, by the way!)

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I’ve always wanted to go to Brazil, mainly because I would love to see The Cristo Redentor (Christ Our Redeemer) Statue. Seeing it in movies and TV is amazing; I can only imagine what it would be like to see it in person.

What is something that most people don't know about you?

Okay, here’s one I haven’t shared before: I occasionally have dreams about smoking. I am not a smoker, nor have I ever been one. But sometimes I’ll have these dreams where I am hiding from everyone I know, just so I can light up whatever I can get my hands on that resembles a cigarette. It’s like there’s a deep-rooted piece of me dying to be a closet-smoker. There are several reasons I’ve never taken up the habit, but the dreams honestly do leave me craving it on some level. Very Bizarre. I’m sure there’s a therapist out there who’d love to get their hands on this one.

What do you enjoy the most about writing?

The discovery part! First, I love discovering who my characters are. But once I know them, I love finding out why they are the way they are. Sometimes I know about their past and present before I know much about their personality, and that’s what helps me learn about them. I often pull over on the side of the road or wake up in the night, all to write out a scene that’s playing out in my head. The emotion is there – I can see it in their eyes; feel it in my heart. I know every word they’re saying, and I have to get it out. It’s truly a beautiful thing. As a side note – kissing scenes are one of my favorite parts to write. J

Who is one of your heroes and why?

There are several people in my life I admire. But, I’m going to have to go with Joseph Smith on this one. I am in awe when I consider the way he fulfilled his mission on this earth. He did what he had to do, even though he knew it would be a rough ride, and that he’d be mocked and hated for it. He did what was right, and I am thankful for that. Truly a hero in my book.

Grand Finale Giveaway!!
From January 29 - 31 - Evie's Knight will be available for FREE to download from Amazon.

Super Swag-a-licious Giveaway Winners

Grand Prize: $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of Evie's Knight, SoftLips chapstick, recipe
cards, E.K. calendar card, postcard of The Storm, and bookmark.
2nd Prize: $25 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of Evie's Knight, SoftLips chapstick, recipe
cards, E.K. calendar card, postcard of The Storm, and bookmark.

3rd Prize: $10 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of Evie's Knight, SoftLips chapstick, recipe
cards, E.K. calendar card, postcard of The Storm, and bookmark.
Five more winners will receive an ebook version of Evie’s Knight!

Paperback winners may choose between old cover (shown below) or the new cover, featuring
Calvin Knight (shown above).

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Colorimetry & Rafflecopter as well as emailed to winners who will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Laura, Burgandy Ice, @ www.burgandyice.blogspot.com and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

(Winners will be drawn & notified 1/29 Pacific Time - will also show on Rafflecopter!!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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