BLOG TOUR and GIVEAWAY: Make It Happen: A Guide to Happiness for LDS Singles by Kylee Shields


Do you know what it means to be a kigatsuku person? Are you currently in a “hurricane” relationship or a “bridge” relationship? Do you know what it takes to be “righteous in the dark”? Have you struggled to find your place in the world as an LDS single? Do you feel like a misfit or a menace—like a circle trying to fit into a square?

If so, you’re not alone. It used to be an anomaly to be twenty-one and single in the LDS culture, but now there are entire stakes filled with single adults. In this book, author Kylee Shields explains how you can make the most of your single life, even if your current situation isn’t what you expected.

Make It Happen is a collection of principles, blog entries, stories, and conversations had on couches, floors, kitchen tables, and at many single-adult gatherings. It is filled with practical ways to make changes in your life, find hope, increase faith, strengthen relationships, and build the kingdom.


As an LDS single I was very interested in reading this book. Not that I'm not happy in my life, but that there is always room for improvement and it's always nice to relate to others like myself.  I found much of value in this book.  I enjoyed the personal experiences Kylee used to make her points and I appreciated the great advice she has for those who like her are members of the LDS faith and still unmarried.  For those who are unaware, marriage and family are an important part of the LDS (Mormon) faith.  However, as Kylee points out, God loves all of his children equally and everyone, single or married has a place in the church.

 I cheered when she pointed out that just because things haven't worked out the way one might want, doesn't mean that one can't be happy. I liked the title and it's implication that happiness is something that can be actively sought and found regardless of one's marital status.  She talks about many things including dating, setting and achieving goals, healthy relationships, and ways to handle adversity. While specially directed to LDS singles, the things Shields talks about relate to anyone, religious or not. I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy inspirational nonfiction, or stories about an individual's life journey.


“My name is Kylee and I am passionate about life. I am the oldest of 8 children and have the most amazing parents ever. I have one adorable niece and one adorable & squishy nephew. I grew up in Oregon, moved my senior year of high school to Utah, then moved to San Diego, Boston, and currently live in Arizona.

"I went to BYU and got my BA in English (creative writing/Editing) and a minor in Linguistics. I love words and writing! There is something very powerful in putting words together and expressing human emotions. I love poetry, reading great novels, blogging, etc. I have an old typewriter I adore and like to type out letters now and again and seal them with wax. I am an author and avid reader. I love learning new words and can trace that back to my mom who has the most amazing vocabulary.

"I also attended ASU and got my Masters in Social Work (emphasis in child & family therapy). I have always been drawn to the "punk kids" and absolutely love my job. I work as a Shadow (family therapist) at The Anasazi Foundation. I get to do therapy with amazing adolescents out in the deserts of Arizona. My office is on the trail and I get to throw rocks, hear hearts, and get to know some incredible kids from all over. Not bad for a day job!

"When I am not with my family, hanging out with my friends, or working I absolutely love to travel. I have been to Egypt, Ghana, Italy, Mexico, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and almost all 50 of the states. I love music--singing, writing songs, playing the piano, and listening to other musicians. I co founded a Musical Fireside group that is in the process of becoming a non-profit. I have loved watching INSPIRE: music. service.hope grow and touch the hearts of those who hear us sing.

"I am a huge Avengers fan (Captain America), I like straws, bridges, swinging on swings, and trains.
I love God and try to recognize His presence in my life. For Him I am indebted for my many blessings and tender mercies. All that I have and am is because of Him.”

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What is the "story behind the story?"   

haha this book is my story. What you read is me. the other day a friend of mine I haven’t seen or talked to in a LONG time said, “When I was reading your book Kylee I felt like you were sitting there on the couch in my living room next to me.” That made me smile b/c I wanted my book to be approachable, honest, raw, and something that would inspire action of some kind. The story behind the story is a girl who is still trying my best to navigate the LDS singles scene, live the questions, and make it happen in my life.

What did you learn while writing the book?  

I learned a lot about patience, timing, about how some of the moments in my life were just for me and led me to where I am today. I learned that God is aware of me and what others might need to hear. I learned a lot about empathy, listening, editing, vulnerability, how to say a lot with a few words, how to get out of my way.  And I learned that God is deeply in the details!

What piece of advice that you give in the book do you think is the most important and why?  

It might just be a reflection of where I am currently in my life but the chapter that seems to resonate with me the most and that I seem to go to regularly when I get asked to share excerpts from my book is the chapter called, “Wolf’s Law” (Chapter 10 p.111) In that chapter is I talk about trials, being righteous in the dark, feeling after God—even, am most importantly—when we feel forsaken, and how to live the law of undulation.

What are you currently working on, writing-wise?  

I am currently working on a YA fiction novel about grief, love, friendships, family, bucket lists, redemption, hope, heartache, and how healing hurts.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there? 

For some reason I have this tugging in my heart to go to Thailand. I want to ride on an elephant, wrap myself up in colorful silks, eat tons of Thai food, and left a love note in a random place where someone can find it years later.


As part of the tour, Kylee is offering 4 amazing giveaways!! These include a $25 gift card to Amazon, a $25 gift card to Target, and a hard copy and ebook copy of the book.

To enter to win these prizes, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form provided. (Each tour stop will have the same Rafflecopter form).
  • Open from January 8 to January 31.
  • Must be 13+ years of age to enter

Earn entries by doing any/all of the following:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Heidi, Thanks for letting me be a guest on your blog. Also thanks for your review and feedback it is greatly valued.

  2. Thanks for being part of this blog tour Heidi!


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