BLOG TOUR and GIVEAWAY: The Guy Next Door by Kate Palmer

by Kate Palmer
Covenant Communications, Inc., 2012
ISBN: 978-1-60861-201-7
Romantic Suspense


On the surface, Eva Black’s life seems practically perfect. The small-town kindergarten teacher is set to wed ambitious lawyer Sean Langley, and their plans for a dream wedding are well underway. Eva accepts that she will soon live life in the spotlight as a member of the prestigious Langley family, but can she overlook her fiancĂ©’s tendency to dominate the details of her life and push the limits of her standards?
Mere weeks before the wedding, Eva is thrown into a traumatic, life-changing event that changes her view of family commitment and creates a sharp contrast between her ideals and Sean’s. With her engagement to Sean in jeopardy, Eva finds herself relying on the support and encouragement of Peter, her kind and attentive next-door neighbor. Faced with a choice between her penitent fiancĂ© and the increasingly mysterious Peter, Eva is unprepared for the consequences—and peril—that come with her decision.
Kate began her career as an elementary school teacher, but was soon promoted to fulltime mom. She is the mother of six living in the country. Her husband is trying to teach her to be a farm girl. She can’t saddle a horse, but she knows how to butcher a chicken. After a day of chasing children, cooking meals, and folding laundry, she likes to escape into a good book.
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Tell us a little about yourself, your writing background, etc.

I’m the mother of six and I love to teach children. Four years ago I read a book that completely transported me into its world. It wasn’t a typical genre for me, and I thought I wouldn’t like the book based on the back cover, but I ended up loving it. I wanted to know how the author accomplished that so I began studying how to write. Then I found out the author was a mom with young children. I couldn’t believe she had written a book with preschoolers running around! At first I was going to apply what I’d learned about writing to my family history to make it super interesting to read. Then I got this idea for a book, and, well, my super-interesting family history is still waiting to be written.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?

I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand. It has everything: ocean, beach, mountains, big city, back country. I’d want to spend a few days exploring each of those areas.

What's the best thing that's happened to you since being published?

Complete strangers have told me they liked my book. I even got a handwritten card from someone in Montana. I don’t know anyone in Montana. 

Do you have a favorite place to write, if so, where is it and what makes it a good place to write?
When I had to edit my book on a really tight schedule this summer, I took over my husband’s home office. My eight-year-old couldn’t find me for two days. Thus the five-year-old and two-year-old couldn't either. Those two days were supremely quiet and focused. (I should note that I do have older children who were home and watching the younger children. They knew where I was.)


Romantic suspense with plenty of heart-wrenching twists and turns, The Guy Next Door offers an exciting read. Eva is engaged to the man of her dreams or at least she thought so, but things change in an instant and Eva is left struggling to decide what it is she really wants and who she really is. With the help of her neighbor, Peter, Eva must make some tough decisions and face some unexpectedly risky choices. A clean read with lots of tension along with a sweet romance.

Be sure to check out the rest of the blog tour and enter the giveaway!


As part of the tour, Kate  is generously offering a grand prize giveaway of a copy of The Guy Next Door plus Junior Mints (Eva’s favorite candy), and a copy Eva’s lemon chicken recipe.  
To enter to win these prizes, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form provided. (Each tour stop will have the same Rafflecopter form)
  • Open from October 2 to November 2.
  • Must be 13+ years of age to enter
  • US mailing addresses only
Earn entries by doing any/all of the following:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for the review and for being part of another tour!

  2. I love the synopsis! I want to read this! I would agree with a visit to New Zealand! Thanks for the tour post:) I appreciate the chance to hear
    from this author!
    Cyndee Thomas

  3. Very awesome; it sounds great.


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