BLOG TOUR and GIVEAWAY: The Chosen of Gaia by M. Mariz

by M. Mariz
ISBN: 9780985808433
Grades 5-8
Review copy provided by author for blog tour.
All opinions expressed are solely my own.


Fifteen-year-old Albert has just received an invitation that could transform his disappointing life completely – a chance to belong to an advanced and hidden society that only reveals itself to a select few.

Immersed in a new world of mind-boggling technology and intriguing peers, Albert will overcome his fears enough to ignore a few suspicious details. But soon he'll find his family dragged to the center of a scandal that threatens to tear them apart and erase their very identities.

A conflicted Albert must find the strength to challenge authority by relying on his newfound allies and gift for Revelation.

Prepare for adventure, humor and suspense in this fast-paced tale of a “normal” family striving for their place in a “perfect” world.


M. Mariz is an actress, lawyer and writer with more than 20 plays produced. Her debut novel The Chosen of Gaia (Sept. 28, 2012) was inspired by her own Revelation dream.

Born in Rio de Janeiro and currently living in Southern California, Mariz writes screenplays and novels in both Portuguese and English. The artist has more than 15 years of acting experience, encompassing works in theater, television and movies. 
She has multiple plays and sketches featured in theaters, including a teenager play that was performed by young Brazilian celebrities all over the country, and has written many other plays for different Brazilian companies to present work-related themes in a funny, entertaining way.

She lives with her husband in Orange, California, where she is constantly developing ideas for new stories to tell.


Tell us about Gaia. What is it like there and what gave you the idea for it (the story behind the story, so to speak)?

Gaia is my dreamy, utopian world. It’s not only technologically advanced, but inhabited by morally evolved people who constantly promote goodwill and self-actualization. The main idea of the book came to me through a dream, when I was sixteen – I dreamed about a teen boy who was invited to be part of an advanced and hidden society. But I was also inspired by my grandma, who passed away a few years ago. She was very connected to nature and also very superstitious, believing that dreams carry hidden messages.

How did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve been a story-teller since childhood; I always created fictional characters and fake backgrounds to share with family and friends. I loved to come up with intriguing horror stories to scare my school colleagues – it was very effective. But it was only at the age of 16 that I actually had a professional story produced – after my first professional theater play as an actress got canceled a day before its premiere, I decided to write my own play.

Tell us something about yourself that most people wouldn't know?

I’m powered by music.  The first thing that I do when I wake up is to turn on Pandora. I listen to music the whole day: when I’m showering, when I’m driving, when I’m at work, and even when I’m eating… everything from dance pop to bossa nova. I choose music that matches the emotional tone of what I want to write.

What's your process like as a writer?

Although I’m an old-school writer – I can only write on a blank piece of paper –  my creative process is cinematic: I visualize the background, the characters and the movement in the scene. Then I try to translate all my perceptions into words on the paper.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what you like to do there?

Rio de Janeiro. It’s very hard to live away from my family and old friends. I miss them all the time. So every opportunity that I have, I try to travel to Rio to visit them, even if it’s only for a short period. The things that I most like to do there are walking along the beach and having “game nights” with my friends. 


I enjoyed this book, especially the technology on Gaia. I so want a closet with swatches of fabric that I can turn into any clothing design I want. And a bedroom that I can simply tell what I want and where I want it. I found the characters likeable and interesting. And the plot was definitely an intriguing one, moving to a new planet where a 'utopian' society exists, it sounds great, but of course, no human society is perfect, not even the one on Gaia. While the writing isn't as detailed or smooth as I would like, I did enjoy this as a quick entertaining read. (And isn't that cover gorgeous?)



To be entered to win a print copy of The Chosen of Gaia, complete the mandatory entry in the Rafflecopter form below. After you complete the mandatory entry, more will be unlocked and you may complete which ever of those you would like. Giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only and ends October 19, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Good luck!

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  1. So many dystopians these days that it's nice to see a utopian once in a while. And yes, I agree--beautiful cover!

  2. I'd like to see something that can change the flavor of food into something you like but still keep it's nutritional value.

  3. I'd like to have teleportation device


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