Early Chapter Book Series: Zapato Power by Jacqueline Jules

by Jacqueline Jules, art by Miguel Benitez
Albert Whitman & Company, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8075-9485-8
Grades K-2
Reviewed from e-book provided by publisher through NetGalley.

Freddie Ramos's adventures continue Thanks to his superpowered zapatos, Freddie is the neighborhood superhero. However his summer's off to an iffy start. Freddie's learning to swim at camp, but he hasn't even put his face in the water yet. When a bully shows up at Starwood Park, Freddie's shoes go missing. Is the bully to blame? And how can Freddie investigate without his zapatos' super speed?

How many of us have imagined what it would be like to have a super power? Many of us, judging by the popularity of superhero movies. Freddie Ramos has such a superpower, it's contained in his purple sneakers.  He can outrun a train and out jump a kangaroo.  But Freddie is facing a challenge that no superpower can help him with, swimming lessons. In addition, Freddie must face a bully, and how can he do it when his sneakers disappear?

Zapato Power is a delightful series perfect for young boys who aren't ready for the violence of regular superheroes (Batman, Superman, etc.) Girls will likely enjoy it as well.  The large text nicely spaced works well for early readers.  Add in the illustrations, cartoon-like in places, and sound effects and you have a series designed to appeal to reluctant readers. I highly recommend this series.


  1. Thank you so much, Heidi, for your kind words about Zapato Power. Please contact me through my website if you'd like some bookmarks for your library.
    Jacqueline Jules


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