BLOG TOUR and GIVEAWAY: Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman

by Michael A. Rothman
M & S Publishing, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-98516-97-0-1
Grades 4 and up
Reviewed from copy provided by TLC Blog Tours.
All opinions expressed are solely my own.

The Riverton family had been enjoying a simple summer vacation when, through a fluke of nature, they found themselves in a strange new land. 

The Riverton brothers quickly realize that in this world, they have gained unusual powers. Powers that their parents fear will attract the attention of Azazel himself - the merciless wizard who brutally controls this world. 

The two brothers soon learn that an ancient prophecy has finally been initiated by their arrival in Trimoria. As the heirs of this prophecy, they are destined to lead the armies of men, dwarves, elves, and even a misfit ogre against the prophesied demon horde.

Only one thing stands in their way.

The evil wizard who has learned of their presence, and has sent assassins to wipe them from existence.


Imagine that you woke up one morning to discover that you could shoot lightening out of your hands or could lift really heavy rocks.  This is basically what happens to the Riverton brothers after they survive an earthquake while on vacation in Arizona.  Ryan and Aaron aren't the only ones confused though when they wake up in a swamp instead of the desert caves the started in.  When they realize that they are in a different world named Trimoria, they are forced to adapt quickly or face an early death.

One thing I especially liked about this book was that the family experienced it together.  Most youth fantasy books have just the main character and his/her friends experience the 'new world.' It's refreshing to see the changes through the eyes of the parents as well as the children.  I also appreciated that the 'bad guy' isn't purely black, he has some depth to him. I also liked the change that the Riverton's cat, Silver, undergoes (I'll just say that the boys can't pick him up now).

The writing is more than adequate and while the plot (strangers come to fulfill prophecy) is not particularly new, I still enjoyed the book and definitely plan to read the sequel, Tools of Prophecy (currently available on Kindle, will be out in paperback/hardback on August 1).

Author:  Michael A. Rothman




Blog Tour Schedule:

GIVEAWAY: Note this giveaway is only open to US/Canada residents 13 and older.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Teleportation. I wouldn't have to commute or drive to get to places. That would be awesome. I will never be late, and I'll save lots of time. Time I could use reading books. :D

  2. I have ALWAYS wanted to read people's minds. In fact, I'm reading yours right now . . . it says . . . "I'd rather be reading a book!"

  3. Hmmm ... I liked both FB links, but then I kept getting a red *error*, not sure why?

    Anyhoo, per the superpower question - I think it would be amazing to be able to teleport, especially since I'm not too keen on flying lol

    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.

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  5. Thanks for your kind words. They are appreciated.

    I have also cross-linked this review from my site at

    Heidi, I was wondering if you could possibly post your review on Amazon as well? That would be really helpful to me.

    Thanks again,

  6. I would love to be able to shapeshift or read minds! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  7. This is a tough one because there are so many things I would want to be able to do! I think I would want to fly because it is something I like to do in my dreams. Either that or teleport! Thanks for the great giveaway. This book sounds awesome. :)

  8. this book look great for me and my kids


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