#MMGM: The Girl in White by Lindsay Currie


The setting of The Girl in White jumped out at me from the very beginning.  When Mallory moved to Eastport with her family, she wasn't expecting to find a town obsessed with the macabre. For her, it feels like Halloween all year long.  The old sea fishing village turned tourist magnet uses stories and legends related to its past to attract visitors. Parades and creepy decorations dominate the month of October. Even her parents restaurant serves dishes focused on some of the scary legends her mother loves to tell to the customers. The town itself feels like a character in the story. 

Mallory isn't thrilled about her new home; she didn't want to leave her friends and home in Chicago, especially for an old sea town obsessed with celebrating old scary stories and traditions. What Mallory didn't expect to find: a real ghost, a really angry one. Sweet Molly's hauntings of Mallory include nightmares, sleepwalking, and water in the closet. After meeting Joshua, her neighbor who is also being haunted, Mallory realizes that if they don't figure out what Sweet Molly wants, the whole town could face destruction. As Mallory, Joshua, Emme and Brianna work to find the answers, they will have to muster all the courage they can find to face Sweet Molly once and for all.

Currie's story of a village obsessed with it's own tragic history made for a suspenseful, exciting read. Mallory develops nicely as a character as she deals with the terrors coming her way as well as making new friends and working to keep her current friends. Sweet Molly's story created a feeling of empathy for the nasty ghost which created an interesting dynamic while reading. As a ghost she does some nasty things, but she has good reasons for being angry. All the characters parents are around, but not likely to listen to the kids and so the kids are left to try to solve a rather large, dangerous problem which makes for an interesting child-focused read. For middle grade readers who enjoy a suspenseful read with a good dose of scary, I can easily recommend this one.


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