PICTURE BOOK NONFICTION: No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change


No World Too Big highlights the efforts of young people to fight for climate change and encourage others to take better care of the earth. The young people come from a variety of cultures and countries.  Some of those highlighted include: Zanagee Artis who started a sustainability club before helping stage the first youth climate march in Washington DC, Greta Thunberg, whose protests spread across the globe, and Xiuhtezgatl Martinez, who uses music to inspire others as well as running the global organization Earth Guardians. Each individual or group is highlighted in a poem followed by a brief explanatory paragraph. Each two page spread also gives ideas for readers to get involved in climate activism themselves. Each type of poem is identified such as a definition poem or free verse or dansa which makes the book a valuable introduction to poetic types as well as a book about kids changing the world. The back matter adds to the value of the book by including a glossary, information about the poetic forms used, and additional information about greenhouse gases. Information about each of the poets and the science expert consulted is also included. The lovely digital illustrations add to the beauty of the book with the paper bag looking background.  It almost looks like colored pencil drawn on paper bag which compliments the theme of caring for the environment. Ideas for things readers can do to get involved in caring for the earth make this a practical as well as inspiring title. Highly recommended.


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