PICTURE BOOK REVIEW: Bear with me by Kerascoet


In Bear with me, a young girl finds a way to handle her disappointment when she must leave her beloved stuffed bear at home when she attends school for the first time. Using only the words 'bear with me' scattered throughout the book, the author & illustrator tell the story of a young girl's attachment to her stuffed bear. When her father must wash it, she screams, and her father sits with her watching as bear gets his cleaning. Naturally she's thrilled when she gets bear back (bear with me). The use of the words 'bear with me' highlights the girl's desire to have the bear with her at all times. Some humor shines through when she tries to stuff the bear in her backpack for traveling to school (hint: it doesn't fit) before then stuffing the bear under her shirt, which doesn't fool her mother at all. In the end, she must leave the bear in the window at home. While at school she eventually finds a way to express her feelings while adapting to the change (she draws a picture of the bear, she dresses up in a bear play costume, etc.). Most children will be able to relate to this adorable story and the child's attachment to her bear. The ink and watercolor illustrations carry the day here with the story easy to follow and enjoy. The book is plain adorable and I loved how the girl found a way to cope with her emotions about missing her bear on her own. A great book for sharing with younger children especially with lots of space for allowing the child to tell the story in their own way. 


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