FANTASTIC FRIDAY: A Dastardly Plot by Christopher Healy


It's 1883—the Age of Invention! A time when great men like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Nicola Tesla, and George Eastman work to turn the country into a land of limitless opportunity.

And it all happens at the world famous Inventor’s Guild headquarters in New York City—a place where a great idea, a lot of hard work, and a little bit of luck can find you rubbing elbows with these gods of industry who will usher humanity into the future.

Unless, of course, you’re a woman.

Molly Pepper, daughter of brilliant but unknown inventor Cassandra Pepper, lives with her mother in New York. By day, they make ends meet running a pickle shop; but by night, they toil and dream of Cassandra taking her place among the most famous inventors in America.

In an attempt to find a way to exhibit Cass’s work at the World’s Fair, they break into the Inventor's Guild, where they discover a mysterious plot to destroy New York.

The evidence points to the involvement of one of the world’s most famous inventors, and now it’s up to Molly, Cassandra, and a shop hand named Emmett Lee to uncover the truth—even if no one will ever know it was they who did it.


After loving his first series, A Hero's Guide, I was eager to pick up this new book.  And I was not disappointed.  While having more of an alternative history feel rather that the fairy tale vibe of the first series, the book still manages to have the trademark humor.  Molly makes for a great main character.  She's an empathetic character but she's also a fighter.  She's also rather impulsive which gets her into a lot of trouble, but luckily for her, she's also a quick study.  And she has others around her to help her.  In this story, Molly's mother is an inventor who wants to exhibit some of her inventions at the upcoming World's Fair, but because she's a woman and not a member of the Inventor's Guild, she has no place to do so.  In an effort to earn a place, Molly and her mother, Cassandra, break into the Inventor's Guild.  In the process they come across plans for an attack to take place at the Fair.  Their efforts to foil the plot result in some rather amusing disasters leading to Cassandra's incarceration in an insane asylum.  Only with the help of some other female inventors does Molly and her friend Emmett have a chance of rescuing her mother and stopping the evil plot.  Full of rather entertaining escapades and fascinating inventions, A Dastardly Plot, takes the reader on quite a ride, which ends up being as amusing as it is action packed.


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