BLOG TOUR: The Grudge Keeper by Mara Rockliff



No one in the town of Bonnyripple ever kept a grudge. No one, that is, except old Cornelius, the Grudge Keeper.

Ruffled feathers, petty snits, minor tiffs and major huffs, insults, umbrage, squabbles, dust-ups, and imbroglios-the Grudge Keeper received them all, large and small, tucking each one carefully away in his ramshackle cottage.

When a fierce wind blows through Bonnyripple, the residents are forced to rescue Cornelius and deal with their various disputes.


Old Cornelius, the Grudge Keeper, holds onto the grudges of everyone in his town of Bonnyripple. Every toe that gets stepped on, prizewinning flowers destroyed, and misbehaving students all add to the growing collection that Cornelius houses at his home.  But when a storm blows through and changes everything, can the townfolk find the will and means to let go of their grudges or will it all start again?  I love the premise of this book, that one person keeps the grudges of others, but that those grudges fill up his house. That's a big burden for anyone to carry.  The message here is clear: letting go of grudges makes everyone happier. But it's presented in such a creative and fun way that it doesn't feel didactic at all. A must read for all ages!

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