Welcome to Day 6 of the SECRETS, SPIES & SHERLOCK BLOG TOUR, featuring two exciting new middle grade mystery series: Sherlock, Lupin & Me: The Dark Lady by Irene Adler and Secrets & Spies: Treason by Jo Macauley. Each stop on the 2-week tour will feature fun posts and a chance to win a set of finished copies of the books!  Today’s post features Treason by Jo Macauley.

Walking Tour of Restoration London

Treason by Jo Macauley is set in 17th century London, and many of its events take place at important landmarks that are still standing today. Let’s take a tour of some of these key locales.

Theatre Royal:

Beth Johnson is an actress with the King’s Company, which performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, built in 1663 – a year before the events of Treason.

This is what the Drury Lane Theatre would have looked like during Beth’s time. However, the theatre burned down in 1672 and had to be rebuilt, and has undergone several renovations since, so the theater looks a little different today.

St. Paul’s Cathedral:

Not only is Beth an actress, she’s also a spy. Beth and her fellow spies meet with their spymaster, Dr. Strange, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral – summoned by its famous bells – just a mile away from the theater.

However, the church was heavily defaced during the Civil Wars in the mid-17th century that led to the beheading of Charles I, and was destroyed again in the Great Fire of London in 1666, so once again the modern St. Paul’s is a little different from Beth’s time.

Credit: Mark Fosh

Tower of London:

The climax of the novel takes place at the Tower of London, on the River Thames, one of the most famous castles in the world.

Credit: Gonzo Lubitsch

Over the years, the Tower of London has served a variety of purposes, from treasury to menagerie to the home of the Royal Mint, but during Beth’s time in the 1600s, the Tower was primarily used as a prison – it’s most notorious function. However, despite its bloody reputation, the tower only saw the execution of seven people before World War I. Today the castle is home to the Crown Jewels.

***Stop by Bookshelf Banter tomorrow for the next stop on the SECRETS, SPIES & SHERLOCK BLOG TOUR and another chance to win!***

Secrets, Spies & Sherlock Blog Tour Schedule:
February 24th: The Dark Lady at The Write Path
February 25th: Treason at I Read Banned Books
February 26th: The Dark Lady at Buried in Books
February 27th: Treason at MomLoves2Read
February 28th: The Dark Lady at Akossiwa Ketoglo
March 3rd: Treason at GeoLibrarian
March 4th: The Dark Lady at Bookshelf Banter
March 5th: Treason at Candace’s Book Blog
March 6th:  The Dark Lady at Through the Looking Glass
March 7th: Treason at Unconventional Librarian

About Secrets & Spies: Treason by Jo Macauley:

Fourteen-year-old Beth Johnson is a talented and beautiful young actress. She is also a spy. The year is 1664, and Charles II is on the throne, but all is not well in the bustling city of London, and there are those who would gladly kill the king and destroy the Monarchy. One morning, a mysterious ghost ship drifts up the Thames. Sent to investigate by the King's Master of Secrets, Alan Strange, Beth quickly finds herself embroiled in a dangerous adventure. Will Beth be able to unravel the plot to kill the King before it's too late?

About Sherlock, Lupin & Me: The Dark Lady by Irene Adler:

While on summer vacation, little Irene Adler meets a young William Sherlock Holmes. The two share stories of pirates and have battles of wit while running wild on the sunny streets and rooftops. When Sherlock's friend, Lupin, joins in on the fun, they all become fast friends. But the good times end abruptly when a dead body floats ashore on the nearby beach. The young detective trio will have to put all three of their heads together to solve this mystery.

Amazon/Barnes & Noble


An entertaining look at a young Sherlock Holmes told  from the perspective of Irene Adler, Holmes's future nemesis.  The story and characters were interesting and I think kids would like them.  There were a few things I wasn't completely comfortable with though. I found it a bit odd that the author chose to put these three characters together.  Lupin, we are told becomes a thief as an adult, and Irene Adler and Sherlock aren't friends in the original story.  I found it a bit sad to know right from the get go that these friends don't survive. Also the references to Sherlock's becoming a great detective were a tad annoying, I would have preferred to see this in his behavior, rather than having Irene telling us over and over. However, I don't believe any of this will bother child readers, especially since few of them will have read the original stories. Over all an interesting and entertaining mystery, as always, the fun is in seeing the children figure out the mystery.


Enter below for a chance to win a copy of Treason by Jo Macauley and explore more of Restoration London alongside Beth and her fellow spies, as well as a copy of The Dark Lady by Irene Adler!

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