When I heard about this challenge I was really excited.  Middle grade books are my favorite type of book to read. Yeah!!! The problem is that May is the last month of school for me and insanely busy.  But I am going to read as much as I can and share what I read as a part of this challenge. Here's where I'm at so far:

  • 1 book completed (The Fairy Ring by Mary Losure, see today's Nonfiction Monday post)
  • 1 book partially completed (Canary in the Coal Mine by Madelyn Rosenberg, see review later this week)
The enchanting true story of a girl who saw fairies, and another with a gift for art, who concocted a story to stay out of trouble and ended up fooling the world.

Frances was nine when she first saw the fairies. They were tiny men, dressed all in green. Nobody but Frances saw them, so her cousin Elsie painted paper fairies and took photographs of them "dancing" around Frances to make the grown-ups stop teasing. The girls promised each other they would never, ever tell that the photos weren’t real. But how were Frances and Elsie supposed to know that their photographs would fall into the hands of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? And who would have dreamed that the man who created the famous detective Sherlock Holmes believed ardently in fairies— and wanted very much to see one? Mary Losure presents this enthralling true story as a fanciful narrative featuring the original Cottingley fairy photos and previously unpublished drawings and images from the family’s archives. A delight for everyone with a fondness for fairies, and for anyone who has ever started something that spun out of control.

Tired of his twelve-hour shifts and facing danger daily, Bitty, a canary whose courage more than makes up for his small size, treks to the state capital to try to improve working conditions in coal mines.
My goal for this week is to read TWO middle grade books, haven't decided for sure which ones.

Check out the other participants and the challenge itself at Deb Marshall's blog.


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