BLOG TOUR: Rosemary Opens Her Heart by Naomi King

by Naomi King
New American Library, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-451-23797-2
Christian Fiction


Another spring reminds the Amish of Cedar Creek, Missouri, that for everything there is a season.

Zanna Lambright is finally marrying Jonny Ropp, and friends and family have come from far and wide to celebrate. Among them is young widow Rosemary Yutzy, mother of toddler Katie, whose husband was tragically killed last fall. With a willing heart Rosemary has taken over care of her in-law’s family and continued to run a baked goods business from home, but privately she still mourns her lost Joe…and is unprepared for the changes that are coming…

Rosemary’s father-in-law wants to merge his lamb-raising business with Matt Lambright’s—a move that will require the Yutzys to relocate from their nearby town to Cedar Creek. Moreoever, it will bring Rosemary into constant contact with Matt, who is making no secret of his romantic interest in her. The challenges of contemplating a future unlike any she expected are overwhelming for Rosemary. And although Matt is strong and kind, his courtship is so persistent, she often wants to run the other way. As Rosemary struggles to see beyond her immediate joys and sorrows, will she embrace the outpouring of welcome and support from the people of Cedar Creek…and accept this new chance to open her heart to a more abundant life?


I’ve called Missouri home for most of my life, and most folks don’t realize that several Old Older Amish and Mennonite communities make their home here, as well. The rolling pastureland, woods, and small towns along county highways make a wonderful setting for Plain populations—and for stories about them, too!  While Jamesport, Missouri is the largest Old Order Amish settlement west of the Mississippi River, other communities have also found the affordable farm land ideal for raising crops, livestock, and running the small family-owned businesses that support their families.
Like my heroine, Miriam Lantz, of my new Seasons of the Heart series, I love to feed people—to share my hearth and home. I bake bread and goodies and I love to try new recipes. I put up jars and jars of green beans, tomatoes, beets and other veggies every summer. All my adult life, I’ve been a deacon, a dedicated church musician and choir member, and we hosted a potluck group in our home for more than twenty years.

Like Abby Lambright, heroine of my new Home at Cedar Creek series, I consider it a personal mission to be a listener and a peacemaker—to heal broken hearts and wounded souls. Faith and family, farming and frugality matter to me: like Abby, I sew and enjoy fabric arts—I made my wedding dress and the one Mom wore, too, when I married into an Iowa farm family more than thirty-five years ago! When I’m not writing, I crochet and sew, and I love to travel.
I recently moved to Minnesota when my husband got a wonderful new job, so now he and I and our border collie, Ramona, are exploring our new state and making new friends.

To find out more about Naomi, please visit her at
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Rosemary Opens Her Heart is a sweet, tender story about love and healing from loss. Rosemary is still recovering from the loss of her beloved husband, Joe.  When Matt Lambright makes it clear he is interested in courting her, she is very uncertain and unready to deal with future possibilities. Can Matt win her over? And what Rosemary's young daughter, sister-in-law, and father-in-law with whom she lives? Where do her responsibilities lie? And what about her own desires? I love this type of book, with ordinary people living ordinary lives struggling with the ups and downs of life.  The writing is very smooth and flowing which I enjoyed very much.  The descriptions of food made me hungry. ;) I also enjoyed getting to know the other characters, Matt and Rosemary's friends and family.

I don't have much knowledge about the Amish lifestyle and beliefs, but this book was a gentle introduction to them. I enjoyed reading about another way of life and culture.  This is a sweet series that reminds me in some ways of Jan Karon's Mitford series with the way the story comes together and how the community comes together to help and support each other and yet has problems and weaknesses as does any community. I highly recommend this series to those who enjoy an inspiring Amish series.


  1. Heidi, thanks so much for your review and for posting my interview! I so appreciate you devoting your time and space to promote my book! Naomi King/Charlotte Hubbard


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