The Lost Curse Blog Tour

Easing his pace, Jonathon advanced only inches at a time. Instinct heightened beneath unseen eyes and he knew he moved in the presence of a creature that could kill him. As he progressed forward, his light caught a presence to his left… a human presence. The dark image startled him and Jonathon whirled to face the threat, the beam of his headlamp cutting into the darkness.

Jonathon’s had more than enough adventure for one lifetime. That’s why he’s planning to spend this summer camping in quiet central Utah with his Peruvian friend, Severino. But when the two of them accidentally discover an ancient artifact, they wind up in more danger than ever!

Now Jonathon, Severino, and their new friend, Tallie, will have to choose between protecting a secret that’s been hidden for centuries or saving their own lives!

A perfect combination of action, thrills, suspense, and a hint of romance, this is a cover-to-cover adventure that you simply can’t miss. Join forces with this dynamic trio of teens as they delve deep into the mysteries of the past. An entertaining read that’s sure to keep you guessing!


The problem with reading ARCs is that the book is unfinished. When I first started reading this the writing seemed awkward and I had a hard time getting around it. But a few chapters in, I realized that that awkwardness likely does not exist in the final version, and that despite the trouble I'd had at the beginning, I was really starting to get into the story.  

Jonathon, Tallie and Severino quickly become sympathetic characters that I cared about.  Their experiences and feelings became important to me as I read further.  I also found it interesting that the 'bad guys' stories are told along with the main characters until all the characters meet up. I especially found it fascinating the way the author implied certain things about the character Ryan, but she never directly said what I found myself assuming. A reminder that assuming can be a dangerous thing, as Jonathon, Tallie and Severino discover to their detriment.

I found the plot fascinating and not just because the story occurs in my state. Archeology is a fascinating field and full of mystery.  It became clear that the author had done her research, which is something I always appreciate. For me, accuracy in terms of science or history is an important part of such stories.  I enjoyed learning more about the history of the area where I live and found the information integrated beautifully with the story. I didn't feel like it slowed the story down at all. Instead it intensified my feelings about what was happening and why it happened. 

I recommend this book to those who enjoy an intense, informative adventure with a nice dose of character development. Now I need to read the first book T. Lynn Adams wrote: Tombs of Terror,

For more information on how the author gathered information see her blog post here.  

To see the schedule for the other blog tour stops, see here.


  1. Yes, archeology seems to be a popular theme in kids' books these days. If you liked this one, try Fiona Ingram.


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