Fairy Tale Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my Fairy Tale Giveaway.  This hop is being hosted by I Am A Reader, Not a Writer and bbb32reads.  I am giving away one book of your choice Young Adult/Middle Grade that is based on a fairy tale. This giveaway is open internationally, as long as The Book Depository ships to you.

For this giveaway, I am highlighting three of my favorite fairy tale heroes/heroines and the books they appear in. The summaries come from Goodreads.com.

Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, the ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

I love Cinder's pure grit. She's determined to make a good life for herself despite the awful circumstances she finds herself in.  When things change and she realizes that there is more at stake than just herself, she finds the courage to keep fighting.  I prefer heroines who are willing to step up to save themselves rather than waiting for a 'handsome' prince to step up and save them.  There is a handsome prince in this story who is forced to carry the weight of his country on his young shoulders.  I like the fact that the two try to help each other, but don't magically solve all of their problems.

She can whisper to horses and communicate with birds, but the crown princess Ani has a difficult time finding her place in the royal family and measuring up to her imperial mother. When she is shipped off to a neighboring kingdom as a bride, her scheming entourage mounts a bloody mutiny to replace her with a jealous lady-in-waiting, Selia, and to allow an inner circle of guards more power in the new land. Barely escaping with her life, Ani disguises herself as a goose girl and wanders on the royal estate. Does she have the pluck to reclaim her rightful place? Get ready for a fine adventure tale full of danger, suspense, surprising twists, and a satisfying conclusion. The engaging plot can certainly carry the tale, but Hale's likable, introspective heroine makes this also a book about courage and justice in the face of overwhelming odds. 

Ani is another character that I enjoy reading about.  She's not perfect but she tries to do the right thing.  After experiencing a vicious attack, Ani goes into hiding.  One of the things that I especially appreciate is the growth that Ani experiences as she struggles to deal with the blows that fate has handed her.

Princess Emeralda aka. Emma isn't exactly an ideal princess. Her laugh is more like a donkey's bray than tinkling bells, she trips over her own feet and she does not like Prince Jorge, whom her mother hopes she will marry. But if Emma ever thought to escape her troubles, she never expected it to happen by turning into a frog! When convinced to kiss a frog so he might return to being a prince, somehow the spell is reversed and Emma turns into a frog herself! Thus begins their adventure--a quest to return to human form.

Emma is simply a delightful character who doesn't fit the stereotypical image of a princess.  She isn't elegant or spoiled, she loves wandering around in the swamp and she rarely behaves in a proper fashion.  I love that about her.

Here are some other great fairy tale reads.


  1. You must be over 13.
  2. You MUST be a follower.  I've decided I want to reward those who take the time to follow me. At least this time.
  3. Fill out the form. You may choose one of the books mentioned above or any other MG/YA fairy tale book.
  4. Winner will be announced on MAY 2nd.  The winner has 48 hours to respond to the email I send, otherwise another winner will be chosen.

Thanks for participating and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. +JMJ+

    I really liked the six retellings of Rumpelstiltskin in Vivian Vande Velde's Rumpelstiltskin Problem. None of them was trying to be a "definitive" retelling (which Disney adaptations are unforutnately doing--Grrrr!), so they could all be taken in the spirit of creative fun. =)

  2. Beastly, which is one of my favorite books.

  3. Just Ella (M.P.Haddix) - it was actually the first fairy tale retelling I read (at least I don't remember any other) and it was such a fun read showing what really happens ever after :-)!

  4. A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan- I just recently finished it and adored it!

  5. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    Beastly!! That was really great, and an awesome retelling of Beauty and the Beast!

    There are also lots of retellings of Alice in Wonderland coming out - one with zombies and one with a girl who can talk to bugs and plants!

  6. For me it was Beastly. I loved the integration of modern life with the old story. It was really clever.

  7. There are so many! Still remember when you read Narnia series? The exciting feeling? And the recent one that I read: Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. It's really fascinating to dwell in an entirely different world full of unexpected magical beings and spells and world!

  8. Beauty & The Beast. My favorite since I was just a little girl :)

  9. Kill Me Softly because it is a darker retelling of the traditional "Disney" version that we see. It leans more towards the Grimm Tales.

  10. I always loved Sleeping Beauty.

  11. I have been reading mostly PNR and paranormal YA this past couple of years. I cannot recall haveing read a fairy tale based book, I have a couple on my TBR though.

  12. I haven't read any fairy tale based books lately so I wouldn't be able to say... =/

  13. I would have to say Ella Enchanted, I don't remember what I was expecting the first time I read it, but what it was, wasn't it.

  14. I really think it was The Sleeping Beauty, and The Beauty and The Beast. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  15. I love beauty and the beast, being beautiful on the inside is way more important than being beautiful on the outside and our society has forgotten that!!!

  16. Thanks so much for the chance, the last retelling I read was Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce. It was amazing and I loved it

  17. I love all Fariy Tales just to escape from reality for awhile

  18. I loved the retelling of the 12 dancing princesses in Entwined by Heather Dixon :)

  19. Beauty and the beast. I've been fan of that movie since I was a little Melanie and I keep watching the movie. I don't care if people laugh at me :p I love watching fairytales, reading them and talking about them.

    But what I love about Beauty and the Beast is the fact that Belle seems 'odd' to everybody. She loves reading. She is so kind and sweet. And love looks beyoung the outside, because the inside matters.

  20. The Ink series by Cornelia Funke changed my whole outlook on literature and fairy tales and fantasy. It's a brilliant trilogy. Everyone should read it!!

  21. Thanks for the giveaway! I've always loved Beauty and the Beast. It has such a great message to it!

  22. I love how there's a whole giveaway series dedicated to fairy tales! :D My favorite fairy tale is probably Beauty and the Beast and my favorite retelling would be Beastly by Alex Flinn.

  23. My favorite fairy tale book was Cinderella. So I guess that would be mine.

  24. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite!

  25. My favorite as an older person is The Snow Queen, but Jack & the Beanstalk is what made me start writing when I was a kid. :-)

  26. Classic favorite is Beauty and the Beast, but I love Ella Enchanted - that had such a great twist! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Ella Enchanted! I have read it so many times!! I also really liked Scarlet by AC Gaughen which I read recently.

  28. Sleeping Beauty and Anastasia. :) Thanks a lot! :)

  29. Not a book but the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty!

  30. I believe the first tale that really touched me was "The Little Match Girl", but that is not a fairytale, but a fable. The other fairytale that I absolutely love is "Beauty and the Beast" - which is not only a tale of love, but of redemption, friendship and the lesson to look past obvious appearances. I've also liked the retellings of this fairytale in the form of the YA novel "Beastly".

    Thank you for your generosity, and for participating in this blog hop!

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  31. Hard question, but I'd say probably any and all of the retellings of Beauty and the Beast.
    Enjoyed your review of the books. During this blog hop I was reminded of Goose Girl and that it's on my to read list. :-)

  32. I haven't read too many retellings, but I'd have to say Beastly. It was a fantastic book and I loved it very much. Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  33. I really liked Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan. It is a very interesting retelling of Snow White and Rose Red.

  34. I love Cinderella. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

  35. I loved Beastly. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  36. Thanks for the giveaway !!!
    I love Cinderella.

  37. I've always loved Cinderella.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  38. I'd have to say Deerskin by Robin McKinley. It's dark, mature and quite brutal, definitely not a book for little children and probably more suitable for teenagers who are fifteen and above. But it was a really amazing book that I'll always remember!

  39. The tale of the mermaid who has given her voice for legs by H.C. Andersen. It was one of the few fairy tales that didn't end with happily after that I've read.

  40. Any variations on Beauty and the Beast like Beastly, but I'm almost equally fond of most fairy tale retellings.

    Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

  41. I love Cinderella. That's why I loved the modern/out-of-this-world retelling of Cinder by Marissa Meyer.
    Though I'd like to win Breadcrumbs or Storybound (or whatever you highly suggest)for a change. :)

  42. I really like the re-tellings of Cinderella like Cinder! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. While I am a HUGE fan of Beauty & the Beast, and all it's variation/retellings, I think the YA fairy tale novelization that's had the most impact on me is East by Edith Pattou...It was the first one that I really remember reading ((although lately, I've realized I read Napoli's Zel ages and ages ago, haha)), and it totally rocked my world. A POLAR BEAR Prince! Suh-weet ;o)

  44. I love Cinderella:D She has a tough life at first.

  45. Cinder by Marissa Meyer and Ash by Malinda Lo.

  46. I loved Harry Potter. Finally a book that kept boys reading.

  47. I loved the Harry Potter Books, our whole family has read them and we all seem to love it


    Kristie Betts

  48. The Chronicles of Narnia, if that counts. Those books were my life when I was younger. They still are, a little. =) Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. For retellings: The Goose Girl that you are featuring in this post. I LOVE It
    My favorite Fairytale is The Wild Swans. It's beautiful.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella and I really enjoyed Cinder!

  51. Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce left the biggest impression.

  52. I would have to say A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheenan!

  53. Fairytales by H. C. Andersen are my favorite. And I am a huge fan of Snow White.

  54. My favorite fairy tale book is Beauty and the Beast and I like Beastly very mush ,too!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  55. My current favorite is probably Cinder. I loved that book.

  56. I would have to say Beastly. I love the modern twist on the classic beauty and the best.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. I do believe I have to say Scarlet. That book just hit me somewhere deep and it has stuck with me ever since. I adore it. Thanks for the giveaway!


  58. I haven't read any of the YA fairy tale books yet, so none have had an impression on me :(

  59. I think that only one that I have read is Entwined. Thanks!!

  60. I haven't yet read many of the new YA fairy tale books, but as far as the original stories go ... probably Cinderella, she was so patient and kind no matter how badly she was treated! :)

  61. I haven't read any of the YA fairy tale books yet. So i don't have favorite yet.

  62. Peter pan has been my favorite for a long time now.

  63. i would have to say beauty and the beast and Cinderella :D
    they both imply that looks and money are not the most important thing in the world, but kindness and deep personality is more cherished :D
    thanks for the giveaway:D

  64. I loved Spindles End. That was one of the most incredible retellings I have ever read. It blew me away, and R. McKinley is such an amazing author.

  65. I liked "Beastly by Alex Flinn" :)

    Thanks for the international giveaway!!

    Rafflecopter name - Rosemarie D

  66. Harry Potter series, so far. :) Thanks for the giveaway.

    Rafflecopter name: Gryffindor's S.

  67. I loved Cinder by Melissa Meyer! I wasn't really keen on the whole retelling of a beloved fairy tale but Cinder was so good that it changed my mind!

  68. Don't laugh but I love the Barbie version of The Twelve Dancing Princesses and have watched it so many times. The story is changed from the original in that the old soldier is a handsome cobbler and you have an evil stepmother who hates the princesses, but I actually quite liked the change.

  69. I haven't read any of the YA fairy tale books. But after reading about some of your favorites I'm going to start.
    Thank you.

  70. Kill me softly by Sarah Cross. It's such a beautiful, funny and sweet book :3

  71. I'd say Beauty and the beast. One of my all time fav fairytales ^^

  72. Wildwood Dancing! LOVED that book!

  73. Deerskin, because of the "grim and dark" the author decide to inject on the retelling.

  74. I love Cinderella as a child however I have read Beauty (Robin McKinley) twice and loved it both times!

  75. I really have liked Ella Enchanted!

  76. I loved The Beauty and the Beast, and I'd probably pick Cinder.

  77. my fav its The beauty and the beast!
    thanks for making this international!!

  78. Thanks for the giveaway! I absolutely loved Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier.

  79. Ella Enchanted. I loved and still love that book to pieces. (and vehemently dislike the movie!) :P

  80. The Little Mermaid because of her determination.

  81. Cinderella. This is my favorite fairy tale.
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  82. I'd probably have to say Rapunzel's Revenge. I've always loved Shannon Hale's fairytale adaptations, but this book got me started with a love of graphic novels. The artwork is beautiful and I love the storyline. She's got the right attitude to help others, choose the right, and never quit.

  83. Disney's Sleeping Beauty because of the 3 fairy godmothers. :D

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. I loved the Sleeping Beauty.

  85. Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite.

  86. Beauty and the Beast! It's the classic love story that i love to read in today's YA Contemporary or Paranormal books.


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