Charity Hopping Around the World Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my Charity Hopping 
Around the World Giveaway 

The giveaway hop is being hosted by I Am A Reader, Not a Writer, Reading Away the Days & Reading A Little Bit of Everything.  The other blogs hosting giveaways are listed below.

Purpose:  To promote a charity that I support.

Item being given: $20 Amazon Gift Card open internationally.

Charity being highlighted: Latter-day Saint Charities

Latter-day Saint Charities helps people become self-reliant and improve their quality of life through initiatives such as clean water, health, and food production. Latter-day Saint Charities also relieves suffering by providing life sustaining support during emergencies.

Currently they are receiving donations for:

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. It might not be a big thing but I saw a woman helping out another customer with a $ when paying in a shop. It's those little acts of kindness that always make me smile!

  2. When my friend celebrated her one year anniversary of being cancer free, she took $100 and went out into the community and back to the hospital where she was treated and did little 'pay it forward' things for strangers. She is a single mom with not very much money so that $100 was a huge deal for her. It was amazing!!

    Thanks for participating in this hop!

  3. This partially has to do with someone else. There was a couple who patronized the library that I manage that had a little boy who was about a year old. It was cold, but he was never wearing any clothes. They were too poor to afford new clothes for the quickly growing baby, so I sent messages to a few friends who had boys a little older than my patron. I could only afford so many new clothes for him myself, but I figured it would be nice to get him some hand-me-downs. Not only did they find clothing for the baby, but they also sent toys, money, toiletries, and various other items. It is amazing how willing people are to step up and help strangers.

  4. I'm sure I've seen plenty of nice acts, but the one that keeps coming to my mind is something my mom told me. Around Christmas time last year this woman in K-Mart was helping people pay off their items on lay-a-way. She was telling them that she couldn't stand to see so many families struggling while she was so well off so she was going straight to them and helping people pay off. I thought it was the sweetest, kindest thing.

  5. When our co-worker's mother passed from Parkinson's, the four of us got together to get him a card and donate $200 to the National Parkinson Foundation in honor of his mom.

    Thanks for the giveaway,

  6. My family has been blessed many times by people "doing something nice" Twice we have received vehicles right when we needed them and just recently when our oven died a friend of ours gave us an awesome top of the line oven! It's amazing to watch God's people work!

  7. i was the rrecipient of a great act of kindness after a fire broke out in my apartment and i lost everything. My coworkers and the parents of the children i taught all came to my aid and i am forever grateful for the amazing donations that helped me get back on my feet. Now i always try to help others out when they need it

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  8. I volunteer at the RSPCA and see the efforts of all the workers and volunteers each week in the animals.

  9. when my mom, helps other giving them food, money.. like what birgit said "It's those little acts of kindness that always make me smile!" :)

  10. When those around me give me something for the girls in my orphanages (and they so very often do) it makes me happy.

  11. my family donates money to a local charity. I found it out later in my teens and I think it's lovely

  12. When my uncle got an accident and he can't earn money for his family for months, there were his good friend who paid for the college tuition for my uncle's daughter for 2 semesters. It's very generous of him..

  13. When the blizzard hit Chicago last year and Lake Shore Drive shut down, there were tons of people stranded on it. The people who lived in the high rises next to Lake Shore made hot chocolate and brought it out to the people who were stranded to make sure they didn't freeze.

  14. When I first moved to the city, my family got together to buy/give me everything I needed, so I wouldn't have to worry about that. It was the sweetest thing, and I loved how everyone came together just to help me :)

  15. Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter

    My neighbors all got together to clean up the local park:) It was great!

  16. Emily Rencich in rafflecopter

    Every year around Christmas when the bell ringers are out, my mom buys hot chocolate or coffee for each one she sees and brings it out to them before she goes shopping.

  17. my father spent all his free time helping other, once he even when to drive a old woman to her house because she had been robbed

  18. I've seen a lot happen to other people. usually just through the local news (a lot of people here pull together to help eachother out.) but i love seeing people making someone else's day no matter what the task may be.

    Terri M

  19. A group of people and I gathered to help clean the forests in our city.

  20. sadly I haven't seen anyone do something good for someone else..........someone left their scratch off ticket at the store counter ...I scanned it and it had $20.00 on it but I am a good honest person and gave it to the the store clerk..........what she did with it I don't know.....she claims she knows who left it....not so sure if she was as honest as me

  21. I see people who have gone through really hard things and then instead of being down on themselves they help other people going through similar things.

  22. The other day, I saw two men get out of their cars to help someone push their car out of the intersection when it had stalled.

  23. When my friend committed suicide about a month ago, my humanities class raised money to give to her family.

  24. Raise over $50,000 for a charity fighting the disease that their brother passed away from

  25. there is a program in our university where you can keep company to blind kids, reading to them, going for walks and simple stuff like that.

  26. A friend of mine chose to not get presents for her birthday or christmas last year, instead she asked every one to donate money to a child in Africa as her gifts.

  27. My school does Toys for Tots during Xmas. Students will donate new toys for children whose parents can't afford to buy them toys.

  28. Our town does a neighborhood Thanksgiving for those who don;t have family

  29. A friend of mine had a tumor growing in her stomach and it had to be removed. After having an ultrasound to determine what the tumor was the doctors said they would have to remove her uterus. This friend had always put off having children in order to pursue other avenues in life and now there was no way she would be able to realize her dream of being a mother. After discussing things with her doctor, they agreed, they would try to leave the ovaries, only taking the uterus so she wouldn't go into early menopause. Several months passed, and a mutual friend (who has three children) offered to be the surrogate so our friend could in fact be a mother. It will be her egg that is implanted. This is just so selfless in my mind. So glad to have these two women as my friends.

  30. A family member of mine set up an organisation for special needs children and their families. It's now a pretty big organisation!

  31. Just the sheer number of charities and organisations out there that help people. It's making me feel like I really should do something.

  32. My neighbor watches over several children (including my son) each morning for around 1 hour before the school bus comes. She does this free of charge and I am so grateful! She is a truly great person.

  33. We have a rather large homeless population in my city. (unfortunately) I and a friend were eating a burger outside a fast food place about 2 or 3 years ago, when a homeless man came up to us asking if we had any spare change cause he was hungry. We both told him if he was really hungry we would buy him lunch, but if he just wanted money to go get a drink, he could leave. He said no he didn't want a drink, but was hungry and could we just get him a hot dog. We took him inside and told him to get what ever he wanted. He asked for a hot dog only, and we got him fries and a drink to go with it. We also gave him $5.00 each and told him to please use it for food. I have kept up the lunch buying when the person asks for money for food and not for drink. If the person refuses my offer of buying lunch, then I know they are just pan handling and not really hungry, and I don't give them anything.

  34. My high school raised almost $20,000 after the earthquake in Japan happened. They are still raising money to help relocate people to new homes. They also raised about $10,000 for the earthquake in Haiti.

  35. I'm a huge fan of LDS charities and wholeheartedly support them through the LDS church. They do so many wonderful things all around the world. Just curious, are you LDS?
    lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

  36. Donate breastmilk :) How special. amymccarty at hotmail dot com

  37. Buy gas for everyone currently at a pump at the station. Something small, but really nice

  38. A friend of mine works on a carecenter where he bakes cakes. It's not much, but it's enough to make the elderly smile! :)

  39. I have seen someone pay for another person's groceries at the was over $150...the woman was SO grateful!
    lmhscheer at yahoo dot com

  40. My community has rallied together to provide clothes, household items, food, etc. for a family whose home burned and they had nothing left.

  41. My husband going up to a man in uniform and thanking them for fighting for our country and freedom.

  42. My son opening doors for the elderly. What a wonderful cause.
    Sue B

  43. I have a cousin who has given money or food to homeless people.

  44. When I was volunteering with Safe Passage in Guatemala City, Guatemala, I saw SO many amazing people who gave everything for the children there. They sold their belongings and moved to Guatemala full time to help out the Safe Passage community.

  45. My dad has a make-a-wish girls softball team and every season they raise money to make a little kids wish come true. I think that is amazing. We get to meet the kid every year and my dad always gives them a team jersey and a signed softball plus their wish. Last year I think they sent a little girl to Disney World :) I can't play softball so I normally help out in the food stands or basket raffles.

  46. Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

    I have seen one of my friends visit an elderly lady of poor health each week for a few years straight just to sit and talk, share lunch, or help her with something she could not do. She is not a relation and no one else knows that she is doing it.

  47. I knit baby stuff for local hospitals.
    amandarwest atgmaildotcom

  48. Not too long ago, a man let me go in front of him in the checkout line at the grocery because I had just a couple items and was in a hurry. It made my day. It's those little things that can make you feel it sometimes, you know?

    Ashley E

  49. Something nice I've seen someone do would be to save a wild cat from the streets and took it in. That's what I call really nice since she already had two cats but didn't want that cat to starve.

  50. Just earlier this year, a mall in Baguio City, Philippines (where I study) announced that they're expanding for an industrial devt. They were planning to cut 172 trees to pave way for the project.. and guess what. The next thing we know, the community including our school was rallying and raising awareness for the bad effects of the company's project. They're taking away what nature and the indigenous people of the Northern Philippines have. It's more than nice to see everyone united in fighting against corporate greed.

  51. On the EL train in Chicago, i've seen people give up their seats for the elderly - made me smile!

  52. Something nice that I've seen recently is one of my teachers is about 8 months pregnant and she dropped papers all over the floor. Half of my class (including me) rushed to help pick up the hundreds of papers scattered around. It was nice being able to help and seeing all of my peers help her with that. Things like that help the world not to look so selfish.

  53. My pregnant sister had waited over an hour to get into work because of a union picket line. When they realized she had been waiting while needing to use the restroom, they parted and let her through.

  54. When people get together to clean the neighbourhood, or a park, it really makes me think there's hope for us.

  55. I live in a relatively small town, so I am fortunate enough to see random acts of kindness pretty frequently.
    Tracy Awalt Juliano
    ohsopetite1 at yahoo

  56. I saw someone intercept a robbery - pretty brave!

  57. I saw a man helping an old man cross the road when there was a lot of traffic and chaos.Such little random acts of kindness count for a lot.

  58. When my mom helped a handicap, that had fell and couldn't get up again. Everyone else just passed by ignoring the poor person.

  59. Well.. it doesn't happens a lot here, where I live. The only recently thing, I can remember is, when a poor guy on a street played an instrument to get some money... I just passed by, but then I felt really bad and found a coin in my pocket and went back to give him the coin. (:

  60. My Mom helped cater a funeral viewing for some friends that were in need.

  61. I saw a woman who was comforting another woman at a site of a motorcycle crash where both people who have been riding the bike have been killed. The woman that was crying was probably related to one of the bikers, and the other woman was a complete stranger, but she tried to comfort the poor woman while other people just stood and watched.

  62. There is a woman at my work that feed all the cats and dogs around EVERY day! I just admire her for doing that!
    Maya TheBee

  63. A friend of mine took money out of her own pocket to buy food and supplies for an abused single mom.

  64. During the Christmas shopping season, my brother was behind a lady in Walmart who didn't have enough money to pay for the items she was getting for her kids for Christmas, so, he not only made up the difference, he just paid for it all! You can't imagine the pride I felt.

    hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

  65. For my sister's birthday her boyfriend emailed a bunch of her friends and asked them to write a note to her starting with "I was thinking of you..." and telling her how much she means to them as a friend. Her mailbox got stuffed twice (college mailbox) with notes. She's had a few tough semesters so I know she appreciated all the kind words from her friends. I think she has a keeper in that boyfriend. :-)

  66. I've seen many generous things done here in my town, especially since it was hit hard by the tornadoes in April of last year. So, the greatest thing I have seen is how an entire community came together, even those that lost everything were giving and supporting others.It was an amazing and beautiful thing to be apart of.

  67. I just got back from a missions trip with a non-profit organization called Samaritan's Feet. We washed the feet of children and gave out shoes. On one of the days we went to a place called Kingsley House, where we worked with both children and the elderly. Many team members spent time with the senior citizens and washed their feet. There was even a 106 yr old woman whose feet were washed and shoes were given to. It was really touching to see the team members give their time and interest and energy for these seniors who are often ignored.

  68. I've seen a classmate of mine give away her umbrella to an old lady despite the pouring rain. Some acts of kindness are just done on impulse.

  69. i saw a college-aged girl give up her seat on the bus to a lady with 2 small children so they could all sit together

  70. I admire the people who volunteer/work at animal shelters, animal rescue groups. We donate the closest shelter when we can, and the people at there are really wonderful and caring. You could see they really love animals.

  71. Some friends of mine volunteer in the hospital. :)

  72. Friends of mine volunteer at the local homeless shelter.

  73. When my boyfriend cuts his lawn he goes ahead and cuts his elderly neighbor's lawn too :)

  74. i once saw a woman at a grocery store put a hundred dollar bill into a donation jar around christmas time.

  75. mothers in our homeschool co op being there with meals and childcare for other mothers who just gave birth or are in need
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  76. I have waited tables for some time, and there are rare occasions when someone leaves an incredibly high tip, for really no reason at all except generosity and kindness. Things like that make the rest of the days worth it.

  77. A woman I know works for a grocery store, and she spent four hours on the phone at work helping a customer try and work through an issue with her mortgage company...not exactly in her job description, but the customer desperately needed help.
    Jennelle S

  78. I'm a PA in a family practice office. Recently, I saw a 4 year-old boy with a high fever, who was pretty sick. After I finished examining him, he crawled into his mother's lap. Upon seeing this, his 18 mo old brother took his own blankie out of his stroller and brought it over to his brother, pulling it over him and patting his leg. It literally brought tears to my eyes to see such kindness in someone so young.
    Laura (BookcaseLaura)

  79. This is sort of silly, but my boyfriend is obsessed with holding doors for people. I don't know where he gets it, but every where we go, I go through the doors first, and wait for him to let the next people through as well. A small courtesy, but still. :)

  80. Helping an older person by taking back their shopping cart

    krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

  81. my neighbors are always helping everyone they can

  82. My school organized visits to an orphanage. Student were going there and giving away some of their toys to children their age. It was really nice because you can see how good generous kids could be!

  83. im a volunteer at the local animal shelter =)
    thanks for making this international!

  84. Help pay for repairing a vehicle that was totalled - the family was tight financially and the husband and daughter were in an accident. :(
    mary michaud

  85. On Friday night, the overnight crew at my job held a bake sale for a fellow associate who just found out she has stage 4 colon cancer and they raised $300!

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  86. I have seen so many acts of kindness....mothers making meals for women who have just had babies, people working at the food bank to help the hungry in our community, volunteers at my daughters school to help raise money to help get school supplies and equipment.

  87. Today we, the volunteers, threw a party for kids in need to celebrate easter and prepared lots of delicious food! The organizer is such a great person =)

  88. Anytime I see a group of people get together to do something good is really wonderful. My college got together to raise money for Haiti Medical Missions of Memphis, who run a clinic outside of Port au Prince, after the earthquake and it was great to see people, many who didn't have much extra money themselves, giving to help out the people of Haiti.

    Also, to Shelby above-I was also at that Samaritan's Feet event! It was wonderful and all the people at Kingsley house were great!

  89. My colleagues, other teachers, bend over backwards for students each day- a very rewarding job.


  90. When the EF5 tornado hit my hometown of Joplin Missouri back in May we had so many volunteers come to our assistance, even though they didn't know us. We still have volunteers coming to help in the rebuilding. We are so grateful for all the support we've received.

  91. A wonderful office I worked in always raised money to help others whenever an emergency came up :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  92. I don't have a specific story but my loved ones help each other in big and small ways all the time

    alterna7 at hotmail dot com

  93. Helped get poor people get married who couldn't afford the celebration.

  94. People helping others by donating food or clothes, or volunteering!

  95. I used to volunteer at VA Hospital. There I seen a lot of simple things that people do, that makes some one else life better.

  96. On Holidays, I love hearing of people's grocery bills being paid by total strangers. One day i hope to be in the position to do that.

    eg kaufman

  97. I think this hop is a great example. All of you bloggers are providing free exposure/publicity to all these worthwhile causes.

  98. The other day in the supermarket, there was a lady on one of those scooters (she was old and had problems walking). She was having a problem getting something on a higher shelf, and a 7 or 8 year-old boy got the item for her and offered her more help if she needed it. (I made sure I told his Mom what a great kid he was!)

    elziabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  99. My good friend is working for people with multiple sclerosis. I find her so kind, because these people need love. I admit her.
    GFC - Katherine Vendea

  100. I saw someone pay for the persons order behind them at Mcdonalds one day. Their kids had sandals on in the middle of winter so I'm sure they were thankful. It was a very nice gesture.

  101. My sister kindly bought someone's lunch for the car behind her in a drivethru recently.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  102. Give weekly to support your local food bank, it doesn't cost much even a can of soup helps.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  103. volunteering! out there are tons of people who need our help!
    its make me happy when i go to the nursing home on I volunteer, help and seeing smile! Its really touching!

  104. I've noticed a pair of students who are both visually impaired at my university. One student is blind and the other is partially sighted. The partially sighted student holds the arm of the blind student and accompanies him everywhere. I find that particularly touching.

    Sarah Bibi Setar (Rafflecopter name)

  105. I have seen people help clean up people's yards after a big storm for no cost!

  106. We had a bad flood last year and it was so nice seeing everyone pitch in and help others.

    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com


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