Leap into Books Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my Leap into Books Giveaway.

For this giveaway I am offering:

$20 Young Adult or Middle Grade Book from Book Depository.

To Enter:
  1. Leave a blog comment about a book you read and loved as a child.  Please include an email where I can reach you. You do not need to be a follower to enter.  Everyone has an equal chance to win.
  2. You must be 13 or over to enter.
  3. The winner will be chosen using random.org. I will notify the winner on March 6th.  You will have 48 hours to respond before I pick another winner.
  4. This giveaway will run from February 29th through March 5th.
Check here for more great giveaways.


  1. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    Books I read as a child.. I read "Saartjie" it is a series of books about a mischievious freckled girl. I also love "Trompie en die boksem bende" which is more of the same only the main character is a boy this time.
    I follow GFC as Wolfswan1
    sarie101 at webmail dot co dot za

  2. My absolute favorite (and I still own the copy) was "My Bedtime Book of Magic Carpet Stories" by Patricia Taylor - it made me fall in love with books and traveling too!

    danaan at gmx dot at

  3. i loved Bilbot the hobbit

    thanks you a lot for this giveaway


  4. Matilda by Roald Dahl
    GFC: Jewel
    jewel4jay AT hotmail DOT com

  5. This may date me but I remember reading The Bobbsey Twins books over and over. FYI - I found your blog thru the banner on I am a reader, not a writer - that's awesome!

  6. As a child, my favorite book was Oliver Twist, I still have a soft spot for well described, wild behaving characters :)


  7. As a child, I loved Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery and The Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce - I still have my books ~20 years later. I still reread them now and again. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I loved PRIDE AND PREJUDICE by Jane Austen, because, well, it's Jane Austen! :D And Mr. Darcy, hmm...:D

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    thereviewsnews (at) gmail (dot) com

    Juli @ <a href="thereviewsnews.blogspot.com>The Reviews News</a>

  9. Harry potter

  10. I *loved* reading A Wrinkle in Time and other books in that series by Madeleine L'Engle when I was younger. It made science into something magical, and I wanted to be a space explorer until I realized that I was terrified of heights. ;-)

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    pherlaithiel (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. I loved Little Women and I still do!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com


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