My Sparkling Misfortune Interview and GIVEAWAY

I would like to welcome Laura Lond and Lord Arkus to my blog today.   They have both graciously agreed to answer a few questions. (Well, one more graciously than the other, I'll let you figure out who.)  For more information about the book and Lord Arkus check out my review of My Sparkling Misfortune. Also be sure to enter the giveaway at the end.

Questions for Lord Arkus:
Q. What made you decide to become a villain?

A: Everyone seems to want to know this; understandable curiosity, I suppose. It happened when I was very young. I had lost a close friend, and on top of that I had found myself accused of things I had not done. People tend to be cruel and unfair, as I’m sure you know. I figured it was not worth it to try to prove them all wrong -- and I enjoyed their fear of me. So I had embraced this path and proceeded to build my reputation as a villain.
Q. What is life like as a villain?
A: It’s a lonely profession, and you always have to watch your back. On the other hand, it’s a lot of fun. Enemies, for example, can provide just as much entertainment as friends -- if they are dealt with properly and timely, of course.
Q. What is your favorite part of being a villain?

A: You get to set your own rules!
Q. What advice would you give someone who wants to catch a gormack vs. a sparkling?

A: I wouldn’t advise trying to catch a sparkling… for several reasons. As to catching a gormack, you have to make sure you’re physically strong, that’s the first thing, because if you grab one but fail to hold him long enough, you’re doomed. There’s no second chance in this game. Also, don’t forget to properly seal the deal, to ensure his full submission. Otherwise, he’ll promise to serve you then rip off your head as soon as you let him go.
Q. What is it like living in a castle? What do you like best about your castle?

A: I like the atmosphere. A dark and dreary place like mine sets the right mood, not to mention helps to establish the right image. Here in my realm, everyone knows what Arkusville is like -- and knows to stay away. Well, except for heroes wishing to fight me, of course, but that’s a different story.
Taking care of the castle is a lot of work though. I need to be personally involved if I want things to run smoothly. Shork isn’t the brightest of servants, I can’t fully rely on him. And goblins can be quite troublesome, too, they tend to make mischief when they think I’m not watching.
Q. How do you spend your free time or what are your hobbies?

A: I am a busy man, I don’t have that much free time… But when I do, I like swordplay, and horse riding. I have discovered that I enjoy writing, too. With two books out and well accepted by readers, I am thinking about writing the third one. I’m also having a lot of fun recording the first two as audiobooks.
Q. Who is your most dangerous foe?

A: It used to be the accursed monster charged with the mission to kill me... I had spent several years running and hiding from him. Now that I’ve finally got that thing off my back, I’d have to say it’s Ragnar, the gormack. He is a powerful spirit, there’s not much I can do against him. And he’s mad at me. Very mad.
Q. What do you think of your new name, Lakeland Knight?

A: It’s detestable. It sounds *heroic* -- that says it all.
Author Questions:

Q. Tell us about the self-publishing process.

A: When the book is written, the first thing I do is celebrate. Writing a book is often compared to going on a long and difficult journey, and it is very true. Completing it deserves a moment to pause and simply enjoy it. Then I get to work preparing the release. I work with beta readers and cover designers, contact book reviewers, prepare the files for both ebook and paperback release. This takes time, but not nearly as long as traditional publishing takes, and having full control over the process is priceless. I usually release the ebook version first; a paperback follows shortly after that. Some of my books are being made into audiobooks, too.
Q. What inspired you to write the story?

A: Lord Arkus had entered my world and insisted that his story needed to be told. I did not see it all at the beginning, but one thing was clear: he was a villain who wanted a chance. So, together with the kind-hearted Jarvi, I gave it to him.
Q.   Finish the sentence - one book I wish I had written is...

A: The Chronicles of Narnia.
Q. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.

A: Hearing from my readers. Receiving a letter from someone telling me that my book has brightened their day brightens mine.

Many thanks to Laura Lond and Lord Arkus for visiting with us today.

GIVEAWAY: One paperback copy and two ebook copies.  
One entry per person. Please leave a comment below including an email address where I can contact you and which you would prefer, ebook or paperback.  

This giveaway will run from January 19th to January 31st 11:59 p.m.  I will announce the winners on February 1st.  Winners will need to respond to an email with in 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

Thanks for participating.


  1. Oooh fantasy with a funny side! That sounds perfect! I really like how the villain and the hero insist that those are their roles despite really filling the typical role of the other! It sounds like a really good book! =D

    I'm still at the point where I prefer paperback copies, but I can do ebooks (Kindle) too.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  2. Thank you very much for the giveaway
    I prefer paperback copy
    My GFC name is vinni v

  3. Thanks for the giveaway.

    I too like paperback better, seeing as I do not have a Kindle.


  4. excited about your giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! I would prefer paperback.


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