Read to Me Picture Book Challenge & Book Talk Tuesday

Eddie Gets Ready for School
written and illustrated by David Milgrim
Cartwheel Books, 2011.
Grades K-1
Reviewed from purchased copy.

Fall in love with Eddie as he gets ready for school!
Now that Eddie can get ready all by himself, his morning routine is anything but ordinary!
[ ] wake up (with a megaphone)
[ ] get dressed (up in a costume)
[ ] pack a snack (a watermelon's perfect)
[ ] find something for show-and-tell (No, not the TV!)
[ ] run like mad to catch bus!
With understated humor and uproarious illustrations, David Milgrim's first checklist book gets you to school on time, and in a great mood. (
Every year as school starts I look for new books about school to share with the students.  This year I found several new ones to try out on my students.  When I heard about this one, I knew I had to get it and try it out.  I used it last week with a class of first graders and if giggles are any indication, it was a success.  Of course, a book that involves the word "underwear" and taking an entire watermelon to school for a snack is bound to be funny.  The brief text allows the reader/listener to focus on the colorful, appealing illustrations.  I look forward to using this book with my other first grade classes and probably the kindergartners as well.

Read-to-Me Picture Book Challenge Goal: 36
Completed: 2

Head on over to There's a Book for more information on the Read-to-Me Picture Book Challenge or head on over to The Lemme Library for Book Talk Tuesday.


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