48-Hour Book Challenge Begins

Well, here I am beginning the 48-Hour Book Challenge (I changed this post from the original post I made on Wednesday). I can't think of a better way to end the school year than by reading as much as possible in 48-hours.  So here is what I plan to do:
  • Read for at least 12 hours or complete 10 books, whichever turns out to be the most doable.
  •  I will donate $1 for every book I complete and for every hour I read.  My donation will be made through my church.
  •  I plan to read from approximately 11:30 a.m. Friday morning until 11:30 a.m. Sunday morning. I do have some other activities that need my attention so I will read when I can during this time.
  • This time around, I've chosen 2011 books from a variety of genres to complete the challenge.  The books I have chosen are:
  1.  The Manatee Scientists: Saving Vulnerable Species by Peter Lourie (Nonfiction, Science)
  2. Words in the Dust by Trent Reedy (Contemporary--other country)
  3. Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow by Nathan Bransford (Humor)
  4. Small as an elephant by Jennifer Richard Jacobson (Contemporary Survival)
  5. Young Fredle by Cynthia Voigt (Animal Fantasy)
  6. Troubletwisters by Garth Nix and Sean Williams (Fantasy)
  7. Lexie by Audrey Couloumbis (Contemporary--United States)
  8. Small Acts of Amazing Courage by Gloria Whelan (Historical Fiction)
  9. The Midnight Tunnel: A Suzanna Snow Mystery by Angie Frazier (Mystery)
  10. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: A Friendship That Changed the World by Penny Colman (Nonfiction-Biography)
  11. Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart by Candace Fleming (Nonfiction--History)
 I am not necessarily going to read them in that order, but those are the books that I have chosen for this challenge.  It was a challenge to chose from the many great books available (I do have stacks around my house). There's my weekend all blocked out (mostly).  I confess I am quite excited to read some great new books. Here's a link to the starting line.


  1. That is a very diverse list! Happy reading!


  2. Sounds like you have some great reads ahead! I'm looking forward to Jacob Wonderbar when it is ready at my library! Happy reading!


  3. I like your list! Good luck with the reading...

  4. I found it hard to choose from my many accumulated books as well, especially as I decided to order a slew of them from the library in preparation for any mood swing. Anyway, happy reading! How is it going for you?

  5. Good luck with your reading goals! I'll be cheering you on!

  6. Thanks for visiting! I'm enjoying the reading, it's kind of weird though, having so much free time to read and the energy to do so.

  7. You have some great books on there! Nice plan! I read the Whelan this 48HBC and was kind of bored - I'll be interested to read what you thought.

    Happy reading!


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