Wild and Wonderful Wednesday: Anna Hibiscus

Anna Hibiscus
by Atinuke
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
Kane Miller, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-935279-73-0
Grades 1-3
Reviewed from purchased copy.

Anna Hibiscus lives in amazing Africa.  She lives in a white house with a courtyard with her parents, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents (except her mother's relations who live in Canada).  There is plenty for her to enjoy and learn in her life, whether it is visiting the beach with family, selling oranges to help someone else, or dreaming of snow in far off Canada.

This book contains four short stories about Anna Hibiscus's life in Africa. The stories move smoothly and comfortably through life in Africa.  The reader learns a lot about a different culture almost without being aware of it.  This is the best kind of story, in my opinion, where the reader learns about different points-of-view without the author trying to teach it.  The reader quickly learns to like Anna Hibiscus and her extended family.  The delightful illustrations beautifully compliment the stories.  I soon wished I could climb Anna Hibiscus's favorite tree or laugh and play at the beach with her and her family.

There are currently four books in this series and I hope there will soon be more.  I highly recommend this series for all those who want to enjoy a delightful character and her world.  The other books in the series include:

Hooray for Anna Hibiscus
by Atinuke
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
Kane Miller, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-935279-73-0
Grades 1-3
Reviewed from purchased copy.

Good Luck, Anna Hibiscus
by Atinuke
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
Kane Miller, 2011
ISBN-13: 9781610670074
Grades 1-3

Have Fun Anna Hibiscus!
by Atinuke
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
Kane Miller, 2011
ISBN-13: 9781610670081
Grades 1-3

Other reviews: Kirkus Reviews, Educating Alice, Through the Looking Glass Reviews, Bookends, and A Fuse #8 Production.


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